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http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Use_hdparm_to_improve_IDE_device_performance Introduction Hdparm is a tool that allows you

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use following command generate initrd.img mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img 2.6.12 then you will see the splash screen! 

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Introduction Note: This tutorial assumes basic OpenGL/extensions knowledge.The ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension was a

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    鏈接: http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=4306848   ATI raedon雖然有了官方驅動,但是隻支持Rade

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Google Maps API and WMS Servers James Fee and others have pointed out that Cubewerks is offering an add-on to their se

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osx的一次啓動失敗竟然把網卡搞壞了,windows linux osx都不能實用網卡上網,害得我買了一個usb網卡。通過ifconfig看到 HWa

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Kernel Korner - Exploring Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) By Gary Lerhaupt on Mon, 2003-09-01 01:00. SysAdmin

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