原创 HDU 題目分類 [Updating]

Easy AMCGDSPmF Normal AMCGDSPmF Hard AMCGDSPmF Very hard AMCGDSPmF   A: Ad Hoc M: 一般數學題或數論 C: 計算幾何或者解析幾何或者平面幾何   G: 貪

原创 Weird, but OK

 1#ifndef TASK 2         #ifndef MAIN 3         #define MAIN 4         #include"cstdio" 5         #include"cstdlib" 6

原创 STL notes

Nonsense.Vector:#include "vector" #include "iterator" #include "algorithm" using namespace std; //initialization vecto

原创 Why C++

1. Why C++ easy to write?Designed fully describing itself. Has equivalence with Lisp, the language somehow equivalent t

原创 HDU 3549 Flow Problem

第一次AC的網絡流類型幾乎沒有任何裝飾的網絡流題目,注意有重邊存在,記得反向邊代碼風格很詭異,請盡情BS我。但是,如果你編譯通不過,請改用GCC 3.4.2或者更高版本(GCC3.4.2是Dev-CPP用的),me的ACM

原创 Case-based Coding Substyle

1. Procedures are organized as infinite loops (you must manually 'break' to exit)#define Procedure(a) for(a;;)2. Cases

原创 HDU 1063 Exponentiation

本帖地址http://blog.csdn.net/pochioly/archive/2011/05/18/6428477.aspx 轉帖請註明出處,歡迎來我的博客交流    Java選手不要BS偶……   http://acm.hdu.e

原创 Notes Part I: Enumerations and Iterations.

1.Basichttp://blog.csdn.net/pochioly/article/details/6628645write me via: pochioly2008:gmail.com (: for at)1.1First, we

原创 A Practical Algorithm System

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler_optimization 坑 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 sanae 發佈了36 篇原創文章 ·

原创 VIM Basic I

source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim behave mswin syntax on set autoindent set cindent "==================== "like gedit color

原创 VIM Basic II

When a word is double-clicked, your application will open and search Google a word like "vector+STL" (vector is the wor

原创 Notes, Points

Greatest Common DivisorEuclideanExtended EuclideanPollard RhoPolyaSegment TreeBit Indexed ArrayBipartite MappingGraph T

原创 [坑向]sanae的ACM程序框架

http://blog.csdn.net/pochioly/archive/2011/05/27/6449084.aspx 本帖地址,轉載請註明出處     ACM-ICPC作爲一門算法比賽,其程序具有短平快的特點,任何使用明顯設計模式的

原创 [原創]Weird C++ (before 0x) (updating)

Author:pochiolyEmail:[email protected]          [email protected] Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/pochioly/轉載註明出處Environm

原创 Notes Part II: Numeral Systems

2 basicBecause we can't use 1 or 2 or any definite amount of characters  from a finite character set to represent any n