原创 Sybase - Useful sqls

1. Copy records from table A to table B insert into tableA select * from table B where {conditions} 點贊 收藏 分

原创 Design Patterns used in actual Example

1. Service Locator   2. Fly Weight. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyweight_pattern 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報

原创 WPF Study Note: Model/View/ViewModel pattern

Introduction to Model/View/ViewModel pattern for building WPF apps   WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pat

原创 Gemfire

Gemfire Community Link: http://community.gemstone.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6032133

原创 WPF Toolkit 之 AreaSeries chart with DateTime Axis

By default, the WPF Toolkit chart displays physical points for each datapoint in the series. You can turn this off by s

原创 網站收集


原创 綜合類文章書籍收集

Category: Leadership 1> http://blogs.hbr.org/2008/07/how-good-leaders-correct-mista/ The Leader’s Pocket Guide: 10

原创 WPF常用控件資源彙集

1. Series Chart: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/196502/WPF-Toolkit-Charting-Controls-Line-Bar-Area-Pie-Co http://w

原创 金融詞彙收集

DV01: Dollar value change per one basis point change in interest rate. For bond, DV01 is another measure of bond price

原创 演講訓練

一. 爲什麼要講話訓練? 1. 說服別人採取行動 2. 說明情況、清晰地發表自己的觀點 3. 增強印象,使人信服 4. 娛樂人們 二. 學習的方法和要求 1.有一種強烈而持久的願望 2. 想象自己成功地當衆說話 (如果你對某種結果有足夠

原创 KDB - Study Note

1. What is KDB ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_(programming_language) http://kx.com/software-download.php Arthur Whitn

原创 Visual Studio 常用命令收集

1. corflags 查看managed assembly的PE頭文件信息 e.g. 下面顯示log4net.dll的build信息是64位+Any CPU >corflags log4net.dll Microsoft (R) .NE

原创 Non Standard Futures & Options

1. LEPO (Low Exercise Price Option). 2. Flexible H-Shares Index Options http://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/prod/drprod/flexi_h

原创 ETF creation basket VS calculation basket

An ETF will have a creation and calculation basket.  The creation basket represents the portfolio required to creat

原创 VC++ Issues and Resolutions Collection

This post is to collect all the VC++ issues I encountered and the solutions to them   1. Issue: I built a VC++ app as