原创 codewars解題筆記---Lario and Muigi Pipe Problem

題目 #Issue Looks like some hoodlum plumber and his brother has been running around and damaging your stages again. The p

原创 codewars解題筆記---Welcome to the City

題目: Create a method sayHello/say_hello/SayHello that takes as input a name, city, and state to welcome a person. Note t

原创 codewars解題筆記---Grasshopper - Summation

題目 Write a program that finds the summation of every number from 1 to num. The number will always be a positive integer

原创 codewars解題筆記---Where is THB?

題目 Help! THB has gone missing, and we need you to find him! You will be given a string, and must return a string includ

原创 codewars解題筆記---Merging sorted integer arrays (without duplicates)

題目: Write a function that merges two sorted arrays into a single one. The arrays only contain integers. Also, the final

原创 codewars解題筆記---Tip Calculator

題目 Complete the function, which calculates how much you need to tip based on the total amount of the bill and the servi

原创 codewars解題筆記---DNA to RNA Conversion

題目 Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA is the primary information storage molecule in biological systems. It is composed of four

原创 codewars解題筆記---If you can't sleep, just count sheep!!

題目 Given a non-negative integer, 3 for example, return a string with a murmur: "1 sheep...2 sheep...3 sheep...". Input

原创 Axure RP8 實現內聯框架

首先設計如圖樣式,頭部左側菜單都是矩形,右側爲內聯框架           設置內聯框架樣式,切換邊框可見性,隱藏邊框,同時設置內聯邊框滾動條樣式,一般是從不顯示滾動條 分別設置菜單項頁面             返回主頁面爲每個列表

原创 Axure RP8 實現省市級聯動

1.首先設置第一級普通下拉框中的值, 2.創建二級菜單,二級菜單爲動態面板並命名爲市    3.進入二級面板進行編輯                 4,添加面板狀態,注意每一個選項都要新建下拉框         5.在主頁面選中第一級

原创 Axure RP8 實現選項卡

實現如下效果 1.在目錄空間中,拖入動態面板,在動態面板中設計拖入所需元件,如圖 2.設置手機快捷登錄的下劃線爲none,1.選中手機快捷登陸的矩形選框,2.點擊上方灰色圓形按鈕,3.選中如圖形狀 3.選中矩形選框,將矩形框置於頂層

原创 springboot2.0 Actuator監控

依賴 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifact

原创 js引入echarts 實現雷達圖

引入echarts.js <script src="../static/js/echarts.js"></script> 爲echarts準備容器 <div id="main" style="width: 250px; height:

原创 springboot+jpa實現底層dao基本增刪改查

1.基本底層dao封裝 import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.EAN; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.persistence.

原创 springboot 多條件查詢+分頁

首先創建實體類entity @Entity @Table(name = "attachment") public class Attachment extends IdEntity { private String name;