原创 RealFlow在線教程翻譯(5)——Shattered Glass (破碎的玻璃杯)

(以下英文部分及圖片皆來源於RealFlow官方文檔:http://support.nextlimit.com/display/rf2014docs/Your+First+Project)     One of the most

原创 吉普賽人利用買家的無知兜售僞造的實體比特幣(Gypsies Peddling Fake Physical Bitcoins)

Bitcoin’s growth has not only been noted by those online, Roma Gypsies in the Russian town of Obninsk have also used t

原创 大數據和人工智能如何改變網貸(How Big Data And Artificial Intelligence are Changing Online Lending)

As digital lending continues to grow in size, companies are looking for ways to make their services more efficient a

原创 關閉比特幣交易所與ICO可能會引發"眼鏡蛇效應"(Meddling With Bitcoin Exchanges and ICOs Likely to Trigger Cobra Effect)

The Chinese actions of banning ICOs and shutting down cryptocurrency exchanges may be with the intention of preventin

原创 RealFlow在線教程翻譯(11)——SPH - Particles (Liquid) (液體粒子)

(以下英文部分及圖片皆來源於RealFlow官方文檔:http://support.nextlimit.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=22217380) This type represents th

原创 RealFlow在線教程翻譯(2)——Foam with SPH Fluids(基於平滑粒子流體動力學算法(SPH)的流體泡沫)

(以下英文部分及圖片皆來源於RealFlow官方文檔:http://support.nextlimit.com/display/rf2014docs/Foam+with+SPH+Fluids) 注:SPH (Smoothed Parti

原创 RealFlow在線教程翻譯(4)——Calm Fluid Surfaces (靜態流體表面)

(以下英文部分及圖片皆來源於RealFlow官方文檔:http://support.nextlimit.com/display/rf2014docs/Calm+Fluid+Surfaces)     When a fluid is po

原创 RealFlow在線教程翻譯(1)——Your First Project(你的第一個項目)

(以下英文部分及圖片皆來源於RealFlow官方文檔:http://support.nextlimit.com/display/rf2014docs/Your+First+Project) Now it is finally time t

原创 使用highcharts創建動態圖表時遇到的問題及解決方式

問題1:橫座標標籤(label)始終向左側移動,從而不能顯示完整數據 解決:series.addPoint()方法是向圖表中繪製點的函數,其第三個參數代表是否左移,設置爲false即可 events: {