原创 12.燃燒的橡膠:使用極座標旋轉位置

12.Burning Rubber: rotating positions using polar coordinates This post is about rotating coordinates by using polar c

原创 10.敢問路在何方?:笛卡爾座標和極座標的轉換

10.Where Am I Headed?: converting between cartesian and polar coordinates This post is about calculating your direction

原创 17. 首先我們獲取曼哈頓距離:如何在一個網格里測量距離

17.First We Take Manhattan: How to measure distance on a grid We saw very early on in this blog how to make an actor ai

原创 25. 射擊石頭:在點和圓之間進行碰撞檢測

25.Shooting Rocks: Collision Detection between a point and a circle The very first example on this blog looked at movin