原创 SQL Server 索引結構及其使用

SQL Server 索引結構及其使用(一) SQL Server 索引結構及其使用(二) SQL Server 索引結構及其使用(三) SQL Server 索引結構及其使用(四)

原创 TIPS: Informatica

Install sever locally, domain name can set blank.   Do not install the Metadata Reporter with the Informatica Client

原创 Reading Notes: The Data Warehouse Toolkit 2nd

The key architectural requirement for the data staging area is that it is off-limits to business users and does not pro

原创 Standing out from the competition

For job seekers with similar job-specific skills and experience, there is a very real need to stand out.  One of the be

原创 Reading Notes: Electronic Commerce, 4ed

Electronic Commerce, Fourth Edition by Pete Loshin and John Vacca  ISBN:1584500646 Charles River Media © 2004 (472

原创 ERP最近學習心得

1. ERP系統能否成功實施,關鍵是企業要踏踏實實地做好5個“P”的工作,即Process-業務流程改造, People-人力資源和組織, Practic-業務行爲規範, Products-信息產品支持, Partnership-選擇合作


  mysql -h mysqlhost.mycompany.com -u root -p use databasename   CREATE TABLE Member ( loginName VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,

原创 TIPS: Data Warehouse

  DW Design Procedure The basic step of data warehousing starts with data modeling. i.e. creation dimensions and facts.

原创 Sentences That American Says - 1

01-----You can't argue with success (***) Though you may tell someone they are doing something in a wrong way, you have