原创 qt UI design tips

當一個控件不能居中時, 嘗試將其放入qwidget中去居中 設計頁面時, 先建立一個qFrame, 然後將所有控件放入qFrame中, 這樣方便以後調整尺寸 設計頁面中的控件時, 儘量尺寸往小的方向設計, 後面可以通過expan

原创 post processing photo tips

you may want to add contrast on mid-tone with bright-tone and dark-tone kept, then use lumenzia mid-tone selectio

原创 Renaming local and remote

Rename the local branch to the new name git branch -m <old_name> <new_name> Delete the old branch on remote - where

原创 exposure blending

first, black layer mask on dark one, white brush the sky(over the horizontal line), lumenzia selection on the groun

原创 linux command line bash shortcut

ctrl + w : delete a word backwards alt + d : delete a word forwards ctrl + a : move to the beginning ctrl + e : mov

原创 如何在pycharm debug類似python -m的命令

python3 -m joeynmt train configs/small.yaml 如果我們直接執行 joeynmt裏面的__main__.py 函數的話, 很有可能整個目錄結構會不對。 但是如果我們在命令行裏面執行 該命令又

原创 hand keypoint detection in single images using multiview bootstrapping

這篇文章主要detect手關節的位置 對於labelled 的數據直接用公式(3) 然後對於unlabelled的數據用algorithm 1去生成labelled數據 用於下一次的訓練 section 5, 主要說明 detec

原创 DaNet: Decompose-and-aggregate Network for 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation

UVI 當中間變量 global UVI regresses camera and shape partial UVI regresses rotation predict rotation時, 切換到postion然後用L

原创 convolutional pose machines

該篇文章主要用來估計Joint的位置 貢獻在於用了ψt>1\psi_{t>1}ψt>1​ capture spatial context across all stages 值得注意的句子 the magnitude of ba

原创 sublime press key “escape” can't type anything

轉 載https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34216851/sublime-press-key-escape-cant-type-anything I know this is an old q

原创 how to switch between python3.5 and python3.6


原创 debug maven project in eclipse

Greeter.java package hello; public class Greeter { public String sayHello() { return "Hello world!";

原创 [WARNING] Unable to autodetect 'javac' path, using 'javac' from the environment.

在eclipse 中使用maven compile的時候出現 [WARNING] Unable to autodetect ‘javac’ path, using ‘javac’ from the environment. 解決方

原创 解決ubuntu下不能mount windows 盤的問題

If you can’t access the drive, execute the following command: sudo ntfsfix /dev/nvme0n1p4 Then, mount with: sudo

原创 indexing in narray

def test(): a = np.array([[ 0, 1, 2], [ 3, 4, 5], [ 6, 7, 8]]) pr