原创 [PHP] small example to show dynamic type change

When you declare one variable, the initial type is null, but the type can be changed by assign statement. global $my_va

原创 [JS] Use repeat and list directives in AngularJS

This code snippets show how to use directives in AngularJS? <!DOCTYPE html> <html ng-app="MyApp"> <head> <title>Angul

原创 [PHP] create plugin and short code in WordPress

<?php /** * Plugin Name: Wonder Fan * Plugin URI: http://blog.csdn.net/wonderfan * Description: This plugin is crea

原创 [Python] Importing Python Modules

Introduction The import and from-import statements are a constant cause of serious confusion for newcomers to Python.

原创 [Python]How to use magic methods in Python?

In this article, i write a simple code example to explore how to use super,new,init and str magic method in Python. cla

原创 [Python]Shallow and Deep copy operation

The difference between shallow and deep copying is only relevant for compound objects (objects that contain other objec

原创 [Python]The import utilities in Python Standard Library

點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 wonderfan 發佈了270 篇原創文章 · 獲贊 3 · 訪問量 15萬+ 私信 關注

原创 [Python] The project structure in Django

點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 wonderfan 發佈了270 篇原創文章 · 獲贊 3 · 訪問量 15萬+ 私信 關注

原创 [PHP] Http API with JSON data

點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 wonderfan 發佈了270 篇原創文章 · 獲贊 3 · 訪問量 15萬+ 私信 關注

原创 [Python] How to pack and unpack variables in Python?

The follow code snippets show how to use variables smartly. class MyClass(): def pack(self,**kwargs): for k

原创 [Java] Behavior Driven Test supported by Mockito

In this article, I will describe how to use Mockito to do behavior driven test for high quality coding. import static o

原创 [Python] How to use Pyramid?

In this blog, i will tell you how to use Pyramid by codes. ''' The start point is the Configurator class.Use it to conf

原创 [PHP]WordPress HTTP API

The WordPress HTTP API makes fetching from or posting to remote servers a breeze. It does this by allowing you to be tr

原创 [PHP] DBI in WordPress

點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 wonderfan 發佈了270 篇原創文章 · 獲贊 3 · 訪問量 15萬+ 私信 關注