原创 爲什麼要使用Base64?

Reference: http://www.cnblogs.com/wellsoho/archive/2009/12/09/1619924.html 爲什麼要使用Base64?在設計這個編碼的時候,我想設計人員最主要考慮了3個問題: 1

原创 Chang the default encoding of notepad

http://www.2cto.com/os/201205/132710.html 改Windows記事本(notepad)默認編碼爲Unicode或UTF-8的方法   Windows記事本默認編碼ANSI無法滿足需求,

原创 Log4j on package level and how to test log entries produced by Log4j

1. Configure log4j on package level When you want the logs for different package to be in different log files, you can

原创 Pass parameters to server using hidden field

Infrastructure: freemarker + webwork + sitemesh + Jetty + Selenium  + Junit We use the basic html control of <select> i