原创 陳皓談程序員升級:給新人程序員的八點建議


原创 Function overloading in C++

Function overloading, which seems to be a simple topic, is in fact much more complicated than we expect. An excellent b

原创 The first semester in PKU

 It is ten days since I arrived home. How time flies. One semester in PKU has passed. At the very first two months, I w

原创 It is a long way...

New environment, new decision, new future. It is a long way to go...

原创 Virtual method and base-type pointer make polymorphism in C++

The core of object-oriented programming may be inheritance and polymorphism. C++ uses virtual method and base-type poin

原创 Horse moves and returns to its starting position in a chessboard

This is a typical problem of searching. From the problem itself, we know that recursive programming is suitable to solv

原创 Harmonious layouts for n queens in a n*n chessboard

 This is also a typical and famous problem. Its prototype is 8 queens problem in a 8*8 chessboard, whereas we can exten

原创 Memory management: default new & delete vs. allocator & deallocator using a pool

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原创 Calculate the biggest sum of subarray

 Given an array of integers, how to calculate the biggest sum of its subarrays? This is a typical problem and is solved

原创 A very efficient and economical way to shift an array

 How do you shift an array? For example, there is an array {a, b, c, d, 1, 2, 3, 4}, and the requirement is to cyclic-s

原创 Common directory names of large projects and their meanings

I am sure when a person, especially a novice programmer, downloads a open source software package and decompresses it,

原创 A problem during the compilation of Lemur and the solution

Last night I spent over an hour compiling the whole Lemur-4.7 project from its source code using cygwin on Windows XP p

原创 Represent an integer by the sum of at least two consecutive integers

There are some integers which can be represented by the sum of at least two consecutive integers. For example, 3 = 1 +

原创 Six months internship at MSRA

Until June 17, I will have been interning at MSRA for half a year. During this period, I have learned a lot and made a

原创 Calculate the biggest sum of submatrix

 Let's continue the topic discussed in last article. What if we want to calculate the biggest sum of the submatrices of