原创 TCP BIC 擁塞控制源碼分析


原创 linux tcp SACK分析(一)

why  should SACK be designed  ?    TCP may experience poor performance when multiple packets are lost from one window

原创 C 語言 宏的妙用

Editor's note: Andrew Lucas describes how to use X macros to take advantage of the C-language pre-processor to elimin

原创 字符設備主次設備號的作用

     One of the basic features of the Linux kernel is that it abstracts the handling of devices. All hardware devices

原创 SYSCALL_DEFINE5 setsockopt 代碼流程

SYSCALL_DEFINE5(setsockopt, int, fd, int, level, int, optname,         char __user *, optval, int, optlen) {     int er

原创 Kernel Debugging Tricks

Kernel Debugging Tricks Debugging the kernel is not necessarily rocket science; in fact it can be achieved using ver

原创 Debugging Analysis of Kernel panics and Kernel oopses using System Map


原创 tso硬件分片是頭部拷貝問題

//skb->date指向了二層頭部地址,下面是計算 以太網頭 + IP頭 大小static inline int skb_transport_offset(const struct sk_buff *skb){ return skb_t

原创 tcp jprobe 利用問題定位

/* * Here's a sample kernel module showing the use of jprobes to dump * the arguments of do_fork(). * * For more in

原创 什麼時候去發送 update windos報文

/* Clean up the receive buffer for full frames taken by the user, * then send an ACK if necessary.  COP

原创 RFC 793 爲什麼要發送reset,什麼情況下發送reset

A variety of other cases are possible, all of which are accounted for by the following rules for RST generation and

原创 Linux Kernel: Deadlocks and how to avoid them

Linux Kernel: Deadlocks and how to avoid themDeadlock Problem:Scenario 1: Self deadlock - "re-acquire lock"Say there's

原创 Tcpdump抓包內核代碼分析

註冊pf_packet協議   .create函數是在PF_PACKET類型socket創建時調用,調用時註冊了鉤子函數具體看packet_create函數的實現。static const struct net_proto_familyp

原创 TCP 指定源端口

轉載,原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/liangxiaozhang/article/details/8267854 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <

原创 centos 7 取消LOG輸出限制

Add the following to /etc/rsyslog.conf after '$ModLoad imuxsock' and '$ModLoad imjournal': $IMUXSockRateLimitInterval