mat4 rotationMatrix(vec3 axis, float angle){ axis = normalize(axis); float

原创 c++11 compile problem

when i call std::string but in c++11 it become std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator

原创 eigen 求解示例

#include <unconstrained_optimization/unconstrained_optimization.h> #include <unconstrained_optimization/common_functio

原创 Introduction to Ambisonics

"[In first-order Ambisonics],  sound information is encoded into four channels: W, X, Y and Z.  This is called Ambisoni

原创 關於 NvTranscoder

NvTranscoder.exe 的程序編譯出來的是 裸流 需要 h264 封包 到 mp4 可以使用 ffmpeg 命令  ffmpeg.exe -i "111.mp4" -c:v copy -f mp4 "test111.mp4" 也

原创 繞固定 xyz 軸旋轉

struct mat3 { float3 x; float3 y; float3 z; }; float3 rotation(float3 mp, float3 pos) { float s = 0.0f; float c =

原创 hellovr sample

相對於 opengl 的保存到FBO裏面 dx11 裏面需要用到 Render To Texture--RTT 渲染到紋理,顧名思義就是把渲染目標從幀緩存變成一個紋理。 這樣就可以把一個場景渲染後在進行Post Process,做出現在流

原创 Using the Windows WaitForMultipleObjects() and events

/* The following example uses the CreateEvent() function to create two event objects and the CreateThread() functio

原创 OPENCL ROTATION x y z axis

float3 rotation(float3 mp, float3 pos) { float s = 0.0f; float c = 0.0f; struct mat3 rotX; s = sin(mp.x); c = c


You are seeing the effect of the so-called delayed or lazy allocation, which is a very common technique used in many i

原创 WaitForMultipleObjects 超過 64個handle

DWORD WaitForMultipleObjects(DWORD count, const HANDLE* pHandles, DWORD millisecs) { DWORD retval = WAIT_TIMEOUT;

原创 幾個 shader

uniform sampler2D av_texture; varying highp vec3 v_position; varying highp vec2 v_texcoord; void main(void){ gl_Fr

原创 WAVE PCM soundfile format

http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/WaveFormat/ WAVE PCM soundfile format The WAVE file format is a subset of Microsoft's RI

原创 something about Equi-angular Cubemap

There are two different projections one can use for a cubemap: A planar projection of a rectangular frustum for each

原创 matlab eigen 查找表

MATLABEigenNotes[Y,IX] = sort(Y,dim,mode) igl::sort(X,dim,mode,Y,IX) MATLAB version allows Y to be a multidimensional m