原创 Hadoop(Day04) -- ZooKeeper

一.Introduction Apache ZooKeeper is a software project of the Apache Software Foundation. It is essentially a distrib

原创 The advance of Java -- Servlet, Jsp(Day08)

1. Servlet: ①Request Path: (1)Get: parameter are stored in url of data package, we can see them on browser (2)Post: the

原创 Hadoop(Day06) -- MapReduce, Eclipse

一.Introduction MapReduce Introduction(Wiki) 二.Eclipse + MapReduce 1.Setting 2.Code: WordcountMapper.java: package co

原创 MySQL(Linux & Win10) -- Linux,Xshell,Navicatt,MySQLWorkBench(Day01)

一.MySQL 5.6.25(Linux) 1. Linux ① Install vmware: (1) choose centos 64; (2) memory 2048MB; (3) hard disk 80G; ② Install

原创 解決SonarQube安裝問題

無論你安裝的什麼版本,一定一定首先要看官方文檔。 1.比如我是7.6,官方說要創建一個空的schema和sonarqube用戶,結果我創了個sonar用戶,死活起不來,最後根據官方文檔,終於成功了。 2.如果MySQL的my.ini文件以

原创 Hadoop(Day05) -- Win10, HDFS, Eclipse

一.Installation: 1.Unzip hadoop 2.Copy one and put it under C:\ 3.Unzip hadoop.dll and winutils.exe and put them under C

原创 Java project -- Shopping(Day12)

一.Preface:We tend to design a shopping website like TaoBao, realizing the simplest function, such as add, delete, updat

原创 Hadoop(day01) -- Tomcat(Linux), Jdk(Linux) (), JVM

(First: VMWARE-LINUX(CENTOS/6.5/6.6)) 一.Jdk: 1.Delete old jdk: 2.add tomcat.tar.jar.gz: 3.tar and mv: 4.configure en

原创 The advance of Java -- SpringMVC, SpringMyBatis(Day11)

一.MVC:1.Model: Responsible for business logic, including business processing and business data processing,Such as Servi

原创 The advance of Java -- JDBC(Day09)

JDBC(Java Database Connectivity) ①JDBC only define interface, the detailed realization is responsible for database comp

原创 Big Data(day02) -- Architecture, V pattern, Wireless transmission, Design pattern

一.Architecture View 1.Logical View -- User 2.Development View -- Developer Engineering 3.Physical View -- OPS Engineeri

原创 The advance of Jave -- Socket, Class Loading, Reflect, AOP(Day06)

1. Socket: jave uses object of socket as the channel between the Server and Client. when they connected successfully, s

原创 The advance of Java -- Jsp, Spring(Day10)

一. JSP: 1. EL(Expression Language): Replacing <%=> Expression: ${} 2. JSTL(JSP Standard Tag Library): Tag: <c:if>: <c:i

原创 Hadoop(Day07) -- MapReduce(Day 02), Eclipse

一.Version: 1.MapReduce(v1.0): 2.MapReduce(v2.0): 二.Code: Example:  1.Counting the data of phone (partition): FlowBea

原创 Hadoop(Day03) -- Introduction, Installation

一.Preface 1.What is mass data processing: There is a large amount of data, different data complexity, different size of