原创 create thread of C++ on linux

This is a simple project on C++(ubuntu16.04), try to create a thread and define a condition_variable to notify thread t

原创 Convert dict to string in Python3

#!/usr/bin/env python3 # define a dict object/d d = dict() d['0'] = 'a' d['1'] = 'b' print("type/d:", type(d), " value/

原创 exception in Python3

Some excercise about exception object in Python3.5 Sample Zero: #!/usr/bin/env python3 try:   # hello exception !     x

原创 Install VScode on ubuntu

My OS is ubuntu16.04 and my laptop is 32bit, then I install Visual Studio Code1.29.1. Step 1: go to official web to dow

原创 Writing your first Django app, part 3

This blog is a translation and simplified version of Django tutorial at: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/intro/ I

原创 Writing your first Django app, part 1

This blog is a translation and simplified version of Django tutorial at: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/intro/ I

原创 Writing your first Django app, part 2

This blog is a translation and simplified version of Django tutorial at: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/intro/ I

原创 mqtt client communication

I write 2 mqtt clients with Python2.7: mqtt_talk.py and mqtt_listen.py, they get publisher and subscriber inside. Take

原创 Dijkstra algorithm in Python3.5

#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Refer to: http://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/project/easy-learn-algorithm/dijkstra.html # Comments: T

原创 stm32f7 TIM: input capture and PWM output

Busying with TIM function of stm32f7 these two days, I spend almost one week to get familiar with TIM a

原创 LSD algoritm

    Once considering detect a line from image, Hough Line Detection algorithm must be the first choice, it's classic an

原创 ROS 記錄與回放

   今天學習了ROS系統中的數據記錄與回放操作,下面以具體實例說明這個功能的實現過程,以下的文件路徑爲linux系統中的 ~/Documents/ROS/ 1. 新建工作空間,在 ~/Documents/ROS/ 下打開新的終端,依次執

原创 mqtt publish and subscribe with Python

Assume you have read some introduction papers about MQTT(like here: https://pypi.org/project/paho-mqtt/) I write 2 Pyth

原创 KNN algorithm in Python

This is a homework of Computer Vision class(2017) of Feifei Li, CS231n, Stanford University. I prefer to focus on singl

原创 write in and read from TXT file by python

ONE: Example of opening a new TXT file and write down some helpful data.import timefin = open("data.txt", "w")fin.write