原创 機器學習中Training, Validation 和 Test 集合之間的區別

Mostly, we divide the whole set into 3 parts. 1. Training Set Train your model. You can optimize your model, chan

原创 [Mahout in action]--Recommender System

Mahout User-based Recommender’s Component Interaction The Refresh of Mahout User-based component! The arrow of

原创 Installing maven 3.3.3 on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get purge -y maven wget http://apache.cs.utah.edu/maven/maven-3/3.3.3/binaries/apache-maven-3.3.3-bin.tar.

原创 [Java]--Keyword super

1. Acessing Superclass Members If we have Override certain superclass’ method. Perhaps we could invoke the overrid

原创 [Machine Learning_Andrew Ng]--Sigmoid() Function.

g(z)=11+e−z In octave function g = sigmoid(z) %SIGMOID Compute sigmoid functoon % J = SIGMOID(z) computes the sig

原创 [LeetCode]--131. Palindrome Partitioning(backTracking && DFS && DP)

1. Problem Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome. Return all pos

原创 [LeetCode]--242. Valid Anagram(Count table && char array sort())

1. Program Problem Link: https://leetcode.com/problems/valid-anagram/ 2. Solution 2.1. Count Table Solution publi

原创 [Java]--Singleton vs Static

Singleton Key Point: 1. Only one instance for the singleton type class. 2. All values stored in the singleton wi

原创 [Java]--Java static keyword – Class, Method, Variable, Block, import

The Link:http://www.journaldev.com/1365/java-static-keyword-class-method-variable-block-import 1. Java static vari

原创 [Java]--final key word

To be simple, items declared with the final word can not be changed. final class: can not be extended by any subcl

原创 Hyperparameters in Machine Learning

In machine learning, we use the term hyperparameter to distinguish from standard model parameters. So, it is worth

原创 [Machine_Learning]--Backpropagation

這裏只提供一些關於反向傳播(Backpropagation)鏈接資源, this is part of the neural network. And neural network is basis of deep learnin

原创 Access Modifier(Private & Protected & Public)


原创 [Mahout in Action] Representating Recommender Data

In-memory representations without preference values GenericBooleanPrefDataModel , which is similar with GenericData

原创 [Machine Learning]---ROC(Receiver Operating Characteristic) Curve

1. Some Basic Concepts True Positive Rate: TPR=TPTP+FN False Positive Rate FPR=FPFP+TN 2. ROC Curve ROC use the