原创 查看mysql 版本

1 使用mysql連接服務器時 2 使用語句SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%version%"; [root@sdb5-11g ~]# mysql -u root Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  

原创 Oracle 11g Create Logical Standby

前置檢查工作: 1 Determine Support for Data Types and Storage Attributes for Tables 2 Ensure Table Rows in the Primary Databas

原创 (轉)tar 解壓.zip文件報錯解決一例: gzip: stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored

1 tar -vxtf adtxxxx.zip 結果報錯提示 gzip: stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Er

原创 linux less命令簡介

less命令可以對文件或其它輸出進行分頁顯示,與moe命令相似,但是比more命令要強大許多。 在 less 中導航命令類似於 vi,如下: 1 搜索 當使用命令 less file-name 打開一個文件後,可以使用下面的方式在文件中搜

原创 Oracle RDBMS: Extracting the Table, Index & View Definitions (DDL) and Indexed Columns

https://blogs.oracle.com/mandalika/entry/oracle_extracing_the_table_index (Reproducing a 30 month old blog post from my

原创 IBM developerWorks 上 《Linux環境進程間通信》系列文章鏈接

 分類: linux文件系統(61) 作者同類文章X 1. 深刻理解 Linux 進程間通信(IPC) http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-ipc/index.htm

原创 emca fails with "Database instance is unavailable" though available

 Fix | Friday, November 23, 2012 Share FacebookLinkedInTwitterGoogle PlusEmailComment emca fails with "Data

原创 How does SQL Plan Management match SQL statements to SQL plan baselines?

https://blogs.oracle.com/optimizer/entry/how_does_sql_plan_management     How does SQL Plan Management match SQL statem

原创 How do adaptive cursor sharing and SQL Plan Management interact?

How do adaptive cursor sharing and SQL Plan Management interact?      By Allison on Feb 11, 2013 We'

原创 Differences and Similarities Between Index Coalesce and Shrink Space

Differences and Similarities Between Index Coalesce and Shrink Space February 6, 2008 Posted by Richar

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How To Create a Database SQL Trace Based On Capture Bind Variable For A Session Alone (文檔 ID 434437.1)   Oracle's

原创 dba_source存儲的內容解釋

什麼是dba_source字典視圖: 存儲所有函數、過程、程序包和Java源的完整的文本,對於你瞭解一個數據庫對象的源代碼很有用。存儲過程在該視圖中是以行爲單位進行存儲的。dba_source視圖中存儲的是行爲單位拆分的存儲過程等對象 如

原创 How do I force a query to use bind-aware cursor sharing?

How do I force a query to use bind-aware cursor sharing?      By Allison on Feb 13, 2012 no_BIND_AWA

原创 如何查看所有分區的文件系統類型?

file -s /dev/sdb1 parted /dev/sdb1

原创 Oracle 11g 針對SQL性能的新特性(一)- Adaptive Cursor Sharing

Oracle 11g 針對SQL性能的新特性(一)- Adaptive Cursor Sharing      By Roger Song-Oracle on 十月 03, 2011     Orac