原创 [Clojure] Data Collection and Data Analysis on the music of www.xiami.com - Part 5

Source code https://github.com/bluesilence/Lisp/tree/master/clojure/projects/xiami-crawler Data Cooking For simplicity

原创 編譯原理 虎書 讀書筆記

Ch2 Is it wrong? Each state can be picked or not, so the number of combinations should be 2^n. Ch3 1. What is recursi

原创 [Clojure] Data Collection and Data Analysis on the music of www.xiami.com - Part 3

Source code https://github.com/bluesilence/Lisp/tree/master/clojure/projects/xiami-crawler Concurrency Based on the cr

原创 [Clojure] A Room-Escape game, playing with telnet and pure-text commands - Part 3

Code Path: https://github.com/bluesilence/Lisp/blob/master/clojure/projects/room-escape/src/room_escape/script.clj Ext

原创 [Clojure] A Room-Escape game, playing with telnet and pure-text commands - Part 4

Code Path: https://github.com/bluesilence/Lisp/blob/master/clojure/projects/room-escape/src/room_escape/core.clj E2E P

原创 [Clojure] A Room-Escape game, playing with telnet and pure-text commands - Part 1

Code path: https://github.com/bluesilence/Lisp/tree/master/clojure/projects/room-escape As I have been a fan of room-e

原创 [Clojure] Data Collection and Data Analysis on the music of www.xiami.com - Part 6

Conclusion This is only a toy project of data analysis. It has many defects: Low scalabilityPerformance IssueA lot of

原创 C++文件讀寫詳解(ofstream,ifstream,fstream)


原创 [Clojure] A Room-Escape game, playing with telnet and pure-text commands - Part 2

Code Path: https://github.com/bluesilence/Lisp/blob/master/clojure/projects/room-escape/. Data Model Based on the draf

原创 [Clojure] Data Collection and Data Analysis on the music of www.xiami.com - Part 4

Source code https://github.com/bluesilence/Lisp/tree/master/clojure/projects/xiami-crawler Data Recording The parsed d

原创 Auto variable in C++

auto:用來聲明自動變量。它是存儲類型標識符,表明變量(自動)具有本地範圍,塊範圍的變量聲明(如for循環體內的變量聲明)默認爲auto存儲類型。 其實大多普通聲明方式聲明的變量都是auto變量,他們不需要明確指定auto關鍵字,默認就

原创 Smart Pointers in C++

轉載自 http://blog.csdn.net/xt_xiaotian/article/details/5714477 C++ 智能指針詳解   一、簡介 由於 C++ 語言沒有自動內存回收機制,程序員每次 new 出來的內存都要手動 

原创 [Clojure] Data Collection and Data Analysis on the music of www.xiami.com - Part 2

Source code https://github.com/bluesilence/Lisp/tree/master/clojure/projects/xiami-crawler Data Parser Read the webpag

原创 [Clojure] Data Collection and Data Analysis on the music of www.xiami.com - Part 1

Source code https://github.com/bluesilence/Lisp/tree/master/clojure/projects/xiami-crawler Background Once upon a time