原创 Take Screenshot, and take screenshot on failure

public final class SeleniumUtils { public static String SCREENSHOT_PATH = "./screen_shots/"; private static fi

原创 send keys by JS

send keys by JS JavascriptExecutor JS =(JavasciptExecutor)driver; Js.executeScript("document.getElementtById('User').v

原创 Selenium components

Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – Selenium IDE is a record and playback tool. It is distributed as a

原创 Exceptions in Selenium WebDriver

Id Detail WebDriverException Mismatching between webdriver version and browser version TimeoutException Giv

原创 driver.get(url) VS. driver.navigate.to(url)

Id Detail driver.get(url) To open an URL and it will wait till the whole page get loaded. When the page is lo

原创 SetUp Driver

Manage driver via a common class: Config  public final class Config { private static final String DEFAULT_BROWSER


Id Detail Graphical user interface testing. A testing framework that generates user interface events such as key

原创 Assert VS. Verify

Id Detail Assert If you use an assert, the test will stop at that point and not run any subsequent checks. The a

原创 Use Oracle DB from IDE

Eclipse -> Windows -> Show View -> Other -> Data Source Explorer Right click on Data Source Explorer ->  Database Conn

原创 Download CSV and compare content

On page layer, define download and compare method: public List<String> downloadReport(int index){ WebElement

原创 Explicit Wait VS. Implicit Wait

Id Detail Explicit Wait This waits up to 10 seconds before throwing a TimeoutException or if it finds the element

原创 HtmlUnit Driver

Id Detail HtmlUnit Driver This is currently the fastest and most lightweight implementation of WebDriver. As the

原创 Selenium 1 VS Selenium 2

Summary Detail Selenium 1 2004 when Jason Huggins He developed a Javascript library that could drive interacti

原创 Set up Nexus

Run “mvn” comment under cmd: generate .m2 file under current user Install the certificate of the company Copy “settin

原创 DB related: backup, restore, quary, update

1. On common layer,  define DBRestoreUtils, and DBUtils 2.  On page layer, use above public void backUpDemo() thro