原创 STM32: Using External SRAM

STM32: Using External SRAMSTM32: Using External SRAMRequirementsSRAM/PSRAMSome tools make your life easierEnough talk

原创 Marlin Firmware Localization For Chinese Simplification

Marlin Firmware Localization For Chinese Simplification Long time ago, I tweeted Marlin firmware (@MarlinFirmware) to m

原创 node-haystack Episode 12: problem of C++ closure

Common closure Mostly, the C++(I mean C++14 or higher), will take care closure for us. For example: using callback = s

原创 STM32 Tutorial: #4 Using STM32Duino

Brief This article is about how to use Arduino IDE and STM32duino to develop software for my STM32F103ZET6 development

原创 Promise and Add-on, Think Asynchronously with Callback!

Normally, when writing an Add-on, we could code like this: // Somewhere void doSomething(std::string& str) { str =

原创 node-haystack Episode 10: Node.js add-on

Preface This chapter assumes you have basic concept about node.js add-on. The following sections show up a simple frame

原创 Quartus 14.1 Linux: Make ModelSim-Altera Work

Make a clean installation of Quartus Under Linux Altera Quartus 14.1 won’t work with ModelSim(I mean the ModelSim-Alter

原创 STM32 Tutorial: #2 Light up LEDs

I skipped the steps about creating a project in CoIDE because it’s too simple to post. My first program will begin with

原创 3D printer : #1 Auto Bed Leveling

Brief Most 3D printers come with uneven printing bed. That is the mainly reason of printing failure and frustrated us

原创 node-haystack Episode 9: Manipulate Volume

class Volume is the manipulation class for volumes. Here only shows some crucial parts of class Volume. A brief of Volu

原创 node-haystack Episode 11: node object of Volume

With the template, the representation of Volume now is simple and neat. List of VolumeObject: #define NODE_CLS_NAME_VO

原创 IPSec VPN On CentOS 7 for iOS 10

Because Apple Inc, does NOT think the PPTP is security enough, it removed this feature shamelessly. That is too bad. Af

原创 STM32 Tutorial: #1 Buy a board

A few days ago, I got a PZ6806L stm32 dev board from eBay. It bases on stm32f103ZET6 core, with all pins led out and a

原创 node-haystack Episode - 12 : A Better Random Generator

The built-in random generator of JavaScript does not look like so random. Anyway, even if there are so many random gene

原创 Trick: Disable USB read-only status under Windows

Clear USB read-only status under Windows Run CMD with administrator privilege Run DISKPART to check USB disk status D