原创 說說hadoop

Hadoop目前我是隻看過豬跑,沒有喫過豬肉的狀態。我在微信和微博上零星地看過一些文章,在udacity上的”Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce”課程上看過幾段視頻。本想下載安裝好Hadoop環境的虛擬機試

原创 聲母數字助記系統

聲母數字助記系統 大部分人日常應用的數學大概就是加減乘除,但很多人應該都算不過菜市場的小販。五元三斤的大蔥你想買一斤半,他看似不經意地一抓準保給你抓一斤八兩湊三塊錢的。這是熟能生巧。 除了熟能生巧,心算肯定還有方法。阿瑟本傑明(Arth

原创 A way to implement a general purpose LinkedList in C

C is not C++, so we cannot use template of C++ to achieve this. There're more than one way to achieve this. For example

原创 大數據之我見


原创 The DNS I know

The DNS I know DNS stands for Domain Name System or Domain Name Server.  T

原创 關於TCP編程,你是否爲此迷惑過

TCP的服務端編程,一般API的調用順序是socket, bind, listen, accept, send, recv等。TCP的客戶端編程,一般API的調用順序是socket, connect, send, recv。 在服務端,

原创 A Tool to Convert Binary to Text File and Convert Back

Thus, I write a tool to convert any binary file to hex-printable text file and then convert back. There're some differe

原创 IPTV -- Knowledge from Interview

Almost all terms in this articleare excerpted from the Internet, encountered while I interview other guys. IPTV -- Int

原创 SIP Miscellaneous Excerption-CALLID

branch -- A field in VIA headers, identify a transaction.   tag -- A field in FROM or TO headers,   call-id --  global

原创 桶排序與帶循環的算法時間複雜度分析


原创 關於面向對象編程的一些摘錄

[1] Understanding Object Oriented Programming  --http://www.csis.pace.edu/~bergin/patterns/ppoop.html [2] Patterns for

原创 SIP TLS Notes

This article first introduces some general informations about authentication, encryption and cryptography concepts. The

原创 把一千以內的數字轉爲英文的程序

發現一個網站,Projecteuler.net,上面可以做題。   其中第17道題是關於把1至一千的的數字轉成英文單詞的。寫了一個程序可以完成這個功能,應該容易擴展爲任意大的數字。程序寫得挺複雜,肯定有簡便方法。故意用不熟悉的Cloju

原创 using vector to implement buffer

I was told that using vector to implement buffer is applicable, but using string to implement buffer is not applicable,

原创 git introduction

Agenda CharacteristicsBasic Work FlowsConcepts and TermsCommands in Categories Data Structures ReferencesGit Characteri