原创 Leetcode-Network Delay Time

Problem Analysis Complexity Code Problem There are N network nodes, labelled 1 to N. Given times, a list of t

原创 [Leetcode]-Basic Dynamic Programming(1)

Approach For Dynamic progaming Basic Concept Key Point Application Problem1 Ananlysis 複雜度分析 code problem2 Anays

原创 Leetcode-Maximum Subarray

Problem Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum. F

原创 3SAT->4SAT

Request:The input set is a set of clauses, each of which is a disjunction of exactly four literals,and such that ea

原创 Leetcode-Climbing Stairs

Problem You are climbing a stair case. It takes n steps to reach to the top. Each time you can either climb 1 o

原创 Leetcode-Unique Paths&Unique PathsII

Problem Unique Paths Unique PathsII Analysis 算法 Unique Paths Complexity Unique PathsII Complexity Code

原创 Leetcode-Search a 2D Matrix

problem Analysis Complexity Code problem Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in an m x n ma

原创 Leetcode-BFS廣度優先搜索

Basic Problem Description Analysis code Complexity Further Thoughts Basic Problem Description Binary Tree Lev

原创 hm3-算法描述和文檔

T1 頻域和空域 實驗步驟 解釋濾波結果 實驗結果 T2 T1 頻域和空域 1.頻域和空域很多地方是對稱的。 2.空域卷積=頻域乘積 3.空間濾波是鄰域運算(卷積和相關) 4.頻域濾波通過濾波函數來實現濾波操作

原创 Leetcode-Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings

Problem Analysis 類似的題目 算法 Complexity code Problem Given two strings s1, s2, find the lowest ASCII sum of del

原创 Leetcode-Word Break

Problem Analysis 想法 Complexity Code Problem Given a non-empty string s and a dictionary wordDict containing

原创 Leetcode-Course Schedule && Course Schedule II

Problem Course Schedule Course Schedule II Analysis Thoughts Complexity Code Course Schedule Course Schedule

原创 X.509概況

X.509基礎結構 end entity: user of PKI certificates and/or end user system that is the subject of a ce

原创 Leetcode-Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

problem Analysis Complexity Code problem Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a gi

原创 Dgital Image Processing hm2

T1 Description Analysis 具體實現 T2 Description T1 Description 給定圖像car.png和模版圖像wheel.png,利用相關檢測實現對car圖像中的 whe