原创 Story 32-33

32. Electronic Money When we talked about ecommerce, we mentioned the electronic payment. Exchanging money and goods on

原创 Watch Out for Malicious Messages

上個週末又有病毒來襲。有人問,網絡世界還有沒有一點點信任?回答是大寫的NO。重複一遍,沒有。 在網上詐騙的手段千奇百怪,但其實也是大同小異。平民百姓能做到的防禦,也不過這幾樣。備份。 現在都有云了,普通文件直接上雲端。重要的,雲端+硬盤。

原创 Stories 11-14

11. Being watched After talking about how to prevent being hacked in many previous issues, I have to confess: there is

原创 記又一次Hackthon

最近幾年來,或者說自從谷歌變成了業界學習榜樣之一,大公司就喜歡搞一些“工作”外的項目活動,比如什麼innovation day,hackthon之類的來體現自己的逼格和心胸。 A hackathon (also known as a ha

原创 Stories 9-10

9. QR Code Quick response code (known as QR code) is a kind of two-dimensional coding schemes. Similar to its ancestor

原创 Story 29-31

29. E-Commerce On Monday, 11th November, it was reported that one of the leading eCommerce websites sold out billions

原创 R語言初學

這個星期學習一點R語言。對於有matlab編程基礎的人來說不難。一個星期只是學了一些R語言的基礎。初步的體會如下: R語言在數據結構上比Matlab更靈活,但因爲其靈活性,也導致了更容易data manipulation的時候搞混。R的作

原创 極簡の機器學習介紹

最近重拾機器學習(machine learning)的一些基本概念,希望可以用在bots或者數據分析上。理了一下思路,寫一篇介紹機器學習介紹短文。 機器學習是人工智能的一個分支,其目的是爲了教會計算機“學習”的能力。所謂“學習”,就是將已

原创 Stories 20-23

20. Wearable Computing Thanks to Google Glass, rumoured Apple iWatch, the recent released Samsung Galaxy Gear, we are

原创 共享單車算不算共享經濟


原创 Story 24-26

24. Go Paperless and Go Green When I was in college, we were given a fixed amount of budget every semester for printing

原创 Top 6 Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence

By Julia Bossmann Optimizing logistics, detecting fraud, composing art, conducting research, providing translations

原创 爲錢服務的互聯網獨角獸,打得是你死我活的流量戰爭。


原创 Story 27-28

27. Expose Your Location Ever since my mobile phone has the location services, it is turned off. For one reason, it is

原创 Stories 6-8

Story No.6 Screen names Passwords are the most private asset of your internet portfolio, while usernames are very much