原创 Set up your own ClipBucket on windows

  My develop environment is windows XP(64bit), Apache 2.2, Php 5.2.6 , Mysql 5.0.22.   But here it says the CB(clipbu

原创 Fix Rewrite not working on Apache (404 error)

I have a correct .htaccess. But it didn't work at all, and i got 404 not found error.     Fix:     Search "AllowOverrid

原创 CURL模擬訪問網頁

 最近在搞些有趣的東西,比如類似抓取什麼的。 所以用到了curl,這玩意兒不錯,可以設置cookie,代理,甚至於header,referer我自己

原创 How to Add Perl CGI Script Support to Your Apache Web Server on Windows

Configuring Apache 1. Running Perl Scripts in a CGI directory You can con

原创 How do I load text or csv file data into SQL Server?

If you need to load data into SQL Server (e.g. from log files, csv files, chat transcripts etc), then chances are, you'

原创 Install and configure Gnupg & Use Gnupg to encrypt file in PHP

Install and configure Gnupg & Use Gnupg to encrypt file in PHP I am using FreeBSD 7.0. Now let's start to install Gnupg

原创 Work Tip - Get only date in C#

Use System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");   This is simple, but helpful.

原创 How to pass value from Child window to Parent Window

<mce:script type="text/javascript"><!-- function submitWeight() { var weight = document.getElementsByName('weight')[0].

原创 Resolving an unable to fork PHP warning in Windows

 Symptoms In Windows, when trying to execute a system call from a PHP scrip

原创 File Permissions - Linux etc.

In GNU/Linux, file access is restricted. Users don't necessarily have the same rights when it comes to deleting, execut

原创 Set up Rsync and Cron Job

create file sync user account(mlmsync for example) LOG ON AS mlmsync; create .ssh under user folder ssh-keygen -b 1024

原创 How to find which version of SQL Server is running?

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')    The result wil

原创 There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first的錯誤解決辦法

執行SqlDataReader.Read之後,如果還想用另一個SqlCommand執行Insert或者Update操作的話,會得到一個錯誤提示:There is already an open DataReader associated

原创 Date in T-SQL

How can we only get date and change it to string format from T-SQL Date functions?   I googled a lot, but no luck, i di

原创 Escape both single quote and double quote in Smarty

Oddly it seems that when using {$foo|escape:'quotes'} Smarty will only escape single quotes instead of both single and