原创 paper published at 2016/4/29

Forward-backward multiplicity correlations caused by centrality fluctuations in high-energy heavy-ion collisions http:/

原创 bash for windows 圖形界面顯示方法彙總

bash for windows 圖形界面顯示方法彙總 今天是2016年05月26日,這個日期是重要的,因爲到這個時候位置我的windows更新到的版本是14342。在我之前的版本上,因爲僅僅是一個null的問題我就已經崩潰了(精神崩潰,

原创 [cernRoot] how to get contours from a TH2D

here, i use a TMultiGraph to save the gotten contours, because the contours may be not closed in a TH2D, with the funct

原创 【windows】 鼠標右鍵cmd命令窗口打開選項

文件夾鼠標右鍵 增加cmd選項 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\folder\shell\cmd] @=”在此位置打開CMD” [HKEY_CLASSES

原创 [cernRoot]how to get tree name?

TIter nextkey( root_file->GetListOfKeys() ); TKey *key, *oldkey=0; while ( (key = (TKey*)nextkey())) {

原创 [cernRoot] How make a beautiful graph by CernRoot?

// just for myself, may be it is useless for you) double xmin = 0.15, xmax = 1.65, ymin = .0, ymax = .59; dou

原创 read file by bash shell just as getline() in c++

#!/bin/bash cat ../file.list | while read LINE do echo $LINE done

原创 [bash shell] how to calculate float times float

It is noted for myself, please do check for yourself. #!/bin/bash # ########################################### alpha=0

原创 [cernRoot]Get graphs from TMultiGraph

int ngr = mg[4]->GetListOfGraphs()->GetSize(); TList * gr_list = mg[0]->GetListOfGraphs(); TGraph * gr0 = (

原创 [cernRoot]how to deal with TPavetext->SetTextAngle()?

TPaveText *l1 = new TPaveText(0.9,0,1.1,.5); l1->AddText("text"); l1->SetTextAngle(90.); l1->Draw(); does not produce r

原创 [cernRoot] Getting Contours From TH2D

double contours[3] = {chisqmin + 2.3, chisqmin + 6.3, chisqmin + 9}; // double contours[1] = {chisqmin + 2.3}; h2d->Set