原创 Complexities Table

Know Thy Complexities! Hi there!  This webpage covers the space and time Big-O complexities of common algorithms used

原创 docker file intro

Docker 2 -- 關於Dockerfile 08 May 2014 Dockerfile是一個鏡像的表示,可以通過Dockerfile來描述構建鏡像的步驟,並自動構建一個容器 所有的 Dockerfile 命令格

原创 favicon.ico what the problem ?

關於favicon.ico的兩三事   隨便打開一個網頁:比如 http://www.baidu.com/ 可以看到在瀏覽器的標籤頭上面顯示了一個圖標,這個圖標是:,也就是我們常說的favicon.ico.   由於這篇文章主

原创 implement ArrayList in java

http://www.java2novice.com/java-interview-programs/arraylist-implementation/ Program: Write a program to implement A

原创 what is app.use in NodeJS/Express

NodeJS / Express: what is “app.use”? up vote 108 down vote favorite 31 In the docs for the NodeJS express mo

原创 favicon.ico and robots.txt

← [Apache][WP] 解決: wp-cron.php not found or unable to stat Google AdSense 優化 (AdSense Optimization Tips) → [架站]

原创 required field

Making radio button as a required field using bootstrap up vote3down votefavorite I am creating logi

原创 Passport change

舊護照換新護照,你可別忘了這些~ 海外遊哥2016-05-05 19:23:11護照 簽證 美國閱讀(0)評論() 聲明:本文由入駐搜狐公衆平臺的作者撰寫,除搜狐官方賬號外,觀點僅代表作者本人,不代表搜狐立場。舉報  

原创 higher-order function first-order function

Higher-order function From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Not to be confused with Functor (category theory).

原创 python signal

Python】簡單聊進程間異步通信之signal模塊 Linux 信號是Unix系統中常見的一種進程間通信方式(IPC),例如我們經常操作的 kill -9 pid 這裏的 -9對應的就是 SIGKILL 信號, 9就是這個信號的

原创 first-class function

In computer science, a programming language is said to have first-class functions if it treats functions as first-cla

原创 kill vs kill -9

Reference: http://bencane.com/2014/04/01/understanding-the-kill-command-and-how-to-terminate-processes-in-linux/

原创 tcpdump practice

When it comes to tcpdump most admins fall into two categories; they either know tcpdump and all of its flags like the

原创 python signal handling

Python - Signal handling and identifying stack frame  Reference:  http://itsjustsosimple.blogspot.jp/2014/01/pyth

原创 /dev/tty /dev/ttyS0

/dev/tty /dev/ttyS0 /dev/tty0區別 2012-05-14 22:41:49 分類: LINUX 1、串行端口終端(/dev/ttySn)   串行端口終端(Serial Port Termina