原创 Ubuntu19安裝dlib庫GPU+cuda+opencv

1.安裝顯卡驅動 安裝相關依賴 sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libhdf5-serial-dev pro

原创 Opencv Notes

1.CV_32FC1 32 :bits numbers,there are 8bits,16bits,32bits,64bits,it is each piexl's bits in image F:float,there are als

原创 C++ Notes

1.the difference of "string str=null;" and "tring str="";" string str=null just declare the variable str,which points t

原创 Java Learning Notes-Stack()

Java util package has provided the inner data structure "Stack",which extends from Vector<E>.In this place,I am going t

原创 Java Learning Notes-Passing Function Parameters

There are two terms that describe how parameters can be passed to a function in a programming language.One trem is call

原创 MySQL Install In Ubuntu

1.Install MySQL Unbuntu has provided a convenient way to install MySQL,you just need to scan lower command in the term

原创 Java Learning Notes-Problem ArrayList cannot be converted to List

List is an interface in Java,so you can not instantiate the type List<?>,the collection class ArrayList  extends "Abstr


JDBCAndMySQL For Ubuntu versions : 5.10, 6.06, 6.10, 7.04, 9.10   Introduction This document explains how to set up Jav

原创 Java Learning Note-HashMap


原创 Numpy Learning Notes-np.transpose()

np.transpose(a,axes) By deafault,reverse the dimensions,otherwise permute the axes according to the values given. a : i

原创 Tensorflow Learning Notes-tf.boolean_mask()

tf.boolean_mask(tensor,mask,name="boolean_mask",axis=None) Apply boolean mask to tensor,Numpy equivalent is 'tensor[mas

原创 Java Learning Notes-The difference between ">>>" and ">>"

Today,I have met a problem when I wrireJava program,that is the difference between bitwise operator ">>>" and ">>".In C

原创 Tensorflow Learning Notes-tf.concat()

tf.concat() is a function that concatenates tensors , lists or numpy array along with one dimention,and the function na

原创 Tensorflow Learning Notes-tf.argmax() tf.reduce_max()

In tensorflow source code,we may often meet those functions like: tf.argmax(),tf.reduce_max(),tf.argmin(),tf.reduce_min

原创 Numpy Learning Notes-np.argsort()

In the ssd objects detection algorithm,I need to find out the top 400(according to the paper) bouding boxes in the tota