原创 python基礎—迭代器 | 切片

這裏有很多python特有的東西,非常有意思,以前只接觸過C, C++, Java, Javascript,沒想到還可以這樣玩 # ------------------slice-------------------- # # sli

原创 Arrow Dialog

UI view about the radius dialog visit here. here is my code. public void handleCloseTable(View anchor) { P

原创 Multiply Screen Support(多屏幕適配)

Screen size Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal. For simplicity, Android groups all actual screen

原创 python基礎2—集合框架

詳細的,比較深入的,比如集合容量初始化,擴容, 目前只是學到基礎的用法。  ------------------list-------------------- # li = [1,2,3, '456', [1,2,3], {1: