原创 The layout (application/layout/scripts/layout.phtml)

This article will show you an example for a zend framework layout in html5. In the next articles i will show you the vi

原创 Netbeans7安裝python插件

安裝netbeans7之後在插件安裝那裏找不到python插件,google一下發現官方論壇裏面有解決方法,如下: http://forums.netbeans.org/topic37805.html Just go to Tools-

原创 Application Directory (Folders) Structure

My goal was to create a structure that is very easy to understand, flexible enough for big or small websites and not to

原创 ThinkPHP2.1培訓資料

ThinkPHP2.1培訓資料 ┎━ThinkPHP 框架系統目錄 ┃ ┝ ThinkPHP.php 系統公共文件 ┃ ┝ Common 公共文件目錄 ┃ ┝ Tpl 框架系統模版目錄 ┃ ┝ Lang 系統語言包目錄 ┃ ┝ Plu

原创 the css view helper (application / layout / helpers / css.php)

The goal of this helper is also to make managing css files easier. This css view helper is really simple, im not kiddin

原创 The index.php file (public / index.php)

Zend Framework's controller uses the frontcontroller design pattern. All requests to the frontcontroller will get roote