原创 What is GKE?

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a managed, production-ready environment for running containerized applications.

原创 How to install mysql based on docker in Linux

安裝 Step 1 You need to clone the code from mysql-docker-inner-node73. Step 2 Copy the directory data to the root dir

原创 What are the differences between functional programming and object-oriented programming

What are the differences between functional programming and object-oriented programming

原创 WeChat mall information summary

https://github.com/coolhwm/leshare-shop-weapp 本項目後續將使用wepy框架進行重構,已遷移項目: 賣家端:https://github.com/coolhwm/leshare-se

原创 在Linux中如何刪除以--開頭的文件

今天遇到一件比較神奇的事,由於之前用下列命令安裝基於docker的nginx的時候,少寫了換行轉接符’’,所以導致用戶目錄多了一個名爲–public的文件。 正確的docker命令 docker run --detach \ --

原创 How to build a kubernetes dashboard system step by step

概述   很多小夥伴在搭建kubernetes-dashboard環境的過程中遇到了很多問題,今天,肥子哥在這裏給大家介紹一下如何搭建kubernetes-dashboard環境。   要搭建kubernetes-dashboar

原创 如何取消Centos 8中的Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket提示

每次進入Centos 8系統,都會有如下的提示: lwk@qwfys:~$ ssh [email protected] Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --n

原创 How to use the pwdx command in Centos 7

Usage [root@xtwj73 ~]# man pwdx |tee /dev/null PWDX(1)

原创 What is OpenSSL

Overview   OpenSSL is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS)

原创 What is base64

Base64是一種基於64個可打印字符來表示二進制數據的表示方法。由於{\displaystyle \log _{2}64=6}{\displaystyle \log _{2}64=6},所以每6個比特爲一個單元,對應某個可打印字

原创 dph config

[root@xtwj001 ~]# ll /usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost/ total 32 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 4 15:11 . drwxr-xr-x 1

原创 How to use the command systemd in centos 7

Usage [root@xtwj89 ~]# man systemd |cat SYSTEMD(1)

原创 How to use openssl command on Ubuntu 18.04

lwk@qwfys:~$ openssl --help Invalid command '--help'; type "help" for a list. lwk@qwfys:~$ openssl help Standard co

原创 How to complete port forwarding through ssh command


原创 How to use the command openssl on centos 7

[root@xtwj89 ~]# man openssl |cat OPENSSL(1)