原创 【海外基金】8月國際風險投資基金在日本業績下滑

據《日本經濟新聞》近日報道,新加坡行業調查機構尤里卡對沖基金(EUREKA HEDGE)日前公佈的調查數據顯示,今年8月份,國際風險投資基金在日本的資產運營業績下滑。   受美國次級住房抵押貸款市場危機的影響,8月份東京股市低迷不振,日經

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Most teens need about 8½ to more than 9 hours of sleep each night. The right amount of sleep is essential for anyone wh

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Since 1995, Internet Mental Health has provided information on mental health free-of-charge. In 2005, we launched thre

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eHealthInsurance is a licensed health insurance agency and the leading online source for individuals, self employed, a

原创 明年起上海社保基金管理將實行信披制度

昨日,上海市勞動和社會保障局副局長、新聞發言人鮑淡如在此間舉行的市政府新聞發佈會上表示,依據國家規定的有關要求,從明年起上海將建立社會保險信息披露制度,接受公衆的監督。     鮑淡如指出,社保基金實際上指的是依照國家法規而設立的養老、醫

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The Office of Geriatrics & Extended Care Geriatrics and Extended Care advances quality care for aging and chronically

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A Brief History of the Mental Health Centre Penetanguishene The grounds and area surrounding the Mental Health Centre P

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Welcome. We'd like to help you achieve your fitness goals - whether they're to do with building muscle, losing weight,

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We, at United Health Foundation believe a well-informed individual is a healthier individual. Our web site has a simple

原创 基金賬戶投資者已達9000萬戶 是年初的4倍

證監會暫緩新基金髮行   今年以來,我國基金業的資產規模就迅速擴大到年初的2.6倍,淨值達到年初的3倍多,基金賬戶投資者已經達到9000多萬戶,數量超過年初的4倍。   昨日,證監會降溫基金髮行熱終於得到業內人士證實。多家基金公司透露,證

原创 man health

Man Health Magazine Online is all about providing answers to your men health issues; a source of information on man hea

原创 基金"封轉開"後須確認 否則不能辦理申購或贖回

封閉式基金到期"封轉開"對於基民來說是件美事:由於沒有了折價,基民們的收益也水漲船高。不過,退市封閉式基金的部分持有人也可能會因"封轉開"而遇到甜蜜的煩惱。   據統計,從去年年中至今,國內已共有基金興業、基金景業、基金久富、基金安瑞、基

原创 Smart Snacking

Between school, homework, sports, your after-school job, and hanging out with friends, it may feel like there's no time

原创 health insurance coverage

As a consumer, you can use this Health Insurance Resource Center site for its: excellent glossary of health insurance a