原创 2.7. Property Placeholders

Overview The property placeholders feature can be used to substitute strings into various contexts (such as endpoint UR

原创 2.10. Controlling Start-Up and Shutdown of Routes

Overview By default, routes are automatically started when your Apache Camel application (as represented by the CamelCo

原创 Chapter 3. Introducing Enterprise Integration Patterns

Abstract The Apache Camel’s Enterprise Integration Patterns are inspired by a book of the same name written by Gregor H

原创 2.8. Aspect Oriented Programming

Overview The aspect oriented programming (AOP) feature in Apache Camel enables you to apply before and after processing

原创 Chapter 5. Messaging Channels

Abstract Messaging channels provide the plumbing for a messaging application. This chapter describes the different kind

原创 2.13. Performance and Optimization

Avoid unnecessary message copying You can avoid making an unnecessary copy of the original message, by setting the allo

原创 4.3. Message Endpoint

Overview A message endpoint is the interface between an application and a messaging system. As shown in Figure 4.3, “Me

原创 5.2. Publish-Subscribe Channel

Overview A publish-subscribe channel, shown in Figure 5.2, “Publish Subscribe Channel Pattern”, is a message channel th

原创 4.6. Message Translator

Overview The message translator pattern, shown in Figure 4.8, “Message Translator Pattern” describes a component that m

原创 Chapter 4. Messaging Systems

Abstract This chapter introduces the fundamental building blocks of a messaging system, such as endpoints, messaging ch

原创 4.1. Message

Overview A message is the smallest unit for transmitting data in a messaging system (represented by the grey dot in the

原创 4.5. Message Router

Overview A message router, shown in Figure 4.7, “Message Router Pattern”, is a type of filter that consumes messages fr

原创 2.9. Threading Model

Java thread pool API The Apache Camel threading model is based on the powerful Java concurrency API, java.util.concurre

原创 緩存雪崩

          緩存雪崩是指由於緩存層數據在同一時間大面積失效,或者緩存層宕機等原因,造成大量請求涌向後端持久層(DB),造成持久層過載而崩潰。        這種情況可以儘量將緩存數據的失效時間設置長一些,同時選擇在業務低峯時間段(

原创 direct,direct-vm,seda,vm of Apache Camel Component

Direct Component The direct: component provides direct, synchronous invocation of any consumers when a producer sends a