原创 分治法——主定理(Divide and Conquer - The Master Theorem)

分治法——主定理(Divide and Conquer - The Master Theorem) Divide-and-Conquer Recurrences What is the time required to solve a

原创 Java - 表達式和賦值語句(Expressions & Assignment Statements)

Java - 表達式和賦值語句(Expressions & Assignment Statements) 標識符(Identifier) The name of a variable(or other items you might

原创 圖——廣度優先搜索(Graph - Breadth First Search)

圖——廣度優先搜索(Graph - Breadth First Search) 簡介(Introduction) Breadth-first search(BFS) visits all nodes in alphabetical o


out JSON What is JSON? Here is a JSON. { "name": "Shuai Wang", "id": "1240031", "subject": [ "Algorithm",

原创 遞歸法(Recursion)

遞歸法(Recursion) 簡介(Introduction) Recursion occurs when a thing is defined in terms of itself or of its type. Recursion

原创 暴力破解(Brute Force)

暴力破解(Brute Force) 簡介(Introduction) Brute force is a very general problem-solving technique that consists of systemati

原创 圖——基本概念(Graph - Concepts)

圖——基本概念(Graph - Concepts) 序言(Preface) Graph algorithms are very practical as a lot of problems in real life can be mo

原创 密碼學——OSI安全框架(Cryptography - The OSI Security Architecture)

The OSI Security Architecture To assess effectively the security needs of an organisation and to evaluate and choose v

原创 減治法——搜索第k小元素(Decrease and Conquer by a Factor - Finding the kth smallest element)

減治法——搜索第k小元素(Decrease and Conquer by a Factor - Finding the kth smallest element) 問題(Problem) Find the kth smallest e

原创 Java - 編程規範(Programming Convention)

Java - 編程規範(Programming Convention) 常量命名(Naming Contants) Spell named constants using all uppercase letters with the