原创 The Postal Worker Rings Once(UVA 117)最短路徑—SPFA算法+鄰接表

The Postal Worker Rings Once From:UVA, 117 Time Limit: 3000 MS Background Graph algorithms form a very importan

原创 UVA 580

Critical Mass       Time Limit: 3000ms                                      Memory Limit: 131072KB [PDF Link]

原创 Network Connections UVA 793(並查集)

Network Connections                                                                              Time Limit: 3000

原创 Bombing HDU, 4022(QQ糖的消法)

 Bombing From:HDU, 4022 Submit Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)      Memory Limit: 65768/65768 K (Java/Othe

原创 UVA1395 Slim Span(kruskal算法)

Slim Span [PDF Link] Given an undirected weighted graph G , you should find one of spanning trees specified as fol

原创 POJ 1365(質因數分級+素數打表)

Prime Land                                      Time Limit: 1000ms                                Memory Limit: 1

原创 Graph Connectivity UVA, 459(並查集)

 Graph Connectivity UVA, 459 Time Limit: 3000 MS  Graph Connectivity  Consider a graph G formed from a large num

原创 UVA 531 Compromise(LCS算法+打印路徑)

Compromise                                                Time Limit: 3000ms                    Memory Limit: 13107

原创 UVA, 11733 (kruscal,最小生成樹)

Airports From:UVA, 11733 Submit Time Limit: 1000 MS         The government of a certain developing nation wan

原创 UVA 902 Password Search (字符串)

Password Search Being able to send encoded messages during World War II was very important to the Allies. The mes

原创 UVA 10369(求第K長的邊,kruskal算法模板)

 Arctic Networks Time Limit: 3000 MS The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern o

原创 UVA 10391(把符合單詞輸出,map)

Compound Words    Time Limit: 3000ms                        Memory Limit: 131072KB [PDF Link] Problem E: Compoun

原创 Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text) UVA, 11988(鏈表)

 Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text) From:UVA, 11988 Time Limit: 1000 MS Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text) Y

原创 Frogger UVA 534(最小瓶頸路+floyd算法)

 Frogger From:UVA, 534 Submit Time Limit: 3000 MS Freddy Frog is sitting on a stone in the middle of a lake. Sud

原创 Gopher II UVA 10080,最後被抓的地鼠有多少隻?(匈牙利算法)

、 Gopher II UVA, 10080 Time Limit: 3000 MS The gopher family, having averted the canine threat, must face a new