原创 線性迴歸week3

多元迴歸的例子 Swiss fertility data library(datasets); data(swiss); require(stats); require(graphics) pairs(swiss, panel

原创 探索性數據分析week4

本week主要爲兩case 其一爲聚類 其二爲空氣污染案例 數據:2012和1999年pm2.5的值,以觀察兩者之間有否不同,從而論證近年來空氣潔淨計劃的成果 step 1:先大概瞄一眼數據 因此決定讀取數據方法爲 pm0<- r

原创 R語言程序設計week4

4.1 str函數 str:緊湊地顯示R對象的內在結構 。 一種診斷函數同時也是"summary"的替代品 。 特別適用於緊密地展示列表的內容 。 大致是一行一個基本對象 如str(lm) 4.2 simulation 模擬 Gene

原创 datascience之機器學習week1

About this course This course covers the basic ideas behind machine learning/prediction Study design - training vs

原创 迴歸分析week2

2.1 迴歸相關 Example diamond data set from UsingR Data is diamond prices (Signapore dollars) and diamond weight i

原创 統計推斷week3

3.1 likehood 似然 Likelihood A common and fruitful approach to statistics is to assume that the data arises from a fami

原创 機器學習(Machine Learning)&深度學習(Deep Learning)資料轉給自己看

  機器學習(Machine Learning)&深度學習(Deep Learning)資料 分類: 統計學習2014-11-24 16:14 5人閱讀 評論(0) 收藏 舉報 http://blog.csdn.net/u0

原创 數據清洗與收集week3

3.1 subsetting and sort Subsetting - quick review set.seed(13435) X <- data.frame("var1"=sample(1:5),"var2"=sample(

原创 數據清洗與收集week4

4.1 editing text variables 4.2  regular expressions 4.3 working with Dates  ,Data Resources 4.1 editing text variab

原创 datascience機器學習week2

The caret R package http://caret.r-forge.r-project.org/ Caret functionality Some preprocessing (cleaning) p

原创 探索性數據分析week2

2.1 the lattice繪圖系統 The Lattice Plotting System The lattice plotting system is implemented using the following pack

原创 國外程序員整理的機器學習資源大全(留着自己玩)

推薦!國外程序員整理的機器學習資源大全 2014/07/21 | 分類: IT技術, 工具與資源 | 0 條評論 | 標籤: 機器學習 分享到:2 本文由 伯樂在線 - toolate 翻譯自 awesome-machi

原创 探索性數據分析week3

3.1 Hierarchical Clustering層次聚類 method可爲"ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average" (= UPGMA), "mcquitty" (= W

原创 統計推斷week4

4.1 P值 P-values Most common measure of "statistical significance"Their ubiquity, along with concern over their inter

原创 統計推斷week2

2.1 條件概率 Conditional probability, motivation The probability of getting a one when rolling a (standard) die(擲骰子) is u