原创 DevExpress 綁定公式 UnboundExpression

用的是 v2010 vol2版本 (10.2)的 公式編輯器, 設置 UnboundExpression=[price] * [qty] 綁定列的 Column.FieldName 不能是DataSource 裏的字段, 設置Unboun

原创 將Action添加到菜單的Edit欄

Place an Action in a Different Location In the Model Editor, navigate to the ActionDesign | ActionToContainerMapping

原创 自定義業務對象圖標

Assign a Custom Image Select both images and switch to the Properties window. Set the Build Action option to Embedde

原创 Devexpress GridView EditGridInplace編輯模式下 根據條件設置 可編輯列 readonly

private void GridView1_EditFormPrepared(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.EditFormPreparedEventArgs e)

原创 執行Action前顯示確認窗口

Specify Action Settings Navigate to the Misc category. By default, the Tooltip property is set to theCaption property

原创 檢查輸入是否爲空並提示

 Drag the ValidationModule item from toolbox  to the Designer's Required Modules section. [DefaultClassOptions] [Syste

原创 通過屬性添加Action

[DefaultClassOptions] [ModelDefault("Caption", "Task")] public class DemoTask : Task { //... [Action(ToolTip =

原创 設置具有關聯條件的屬性

[DefaultClassOptions] public class Contact : Person { //...同部門的人員,如果沒有,則顯示所有人員供選擇 [DataSourceProperty("Departme

原创 新增或修改時 設置顯示的默認值

public class DemoTask : Task { // ... private Priority priority; public Priority Priority { get { r

原创 實現菜單選擇項執行Action

Add an Action with Option Selection using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Utils; using DevExpress.Persistent.Base.General; using

原创 實現彈出窗口選擇內容

Add an Action that Displays a Pop-up Window  using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl; // ... private void ShowNotesAction

原创 操作Editor

using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors; using DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Utils; // ... pr

原创 設置業務對象的窗口標題

Format a Business Object Caption When setting the object caption format you can explicitly specify the format string. F

原创 重寫controller的CloseAndSave方法(點擊關閉時關閉整個Detail View)

Override Controller Behavior using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.SystemModule; using MySolution.Module.BusinessObjects; //

原创 操作List View(添加tooltip到List View的列頭)

Since you are going to access the settings of the List View's grid control, you need to ensure it has already been cre