原创 GC block lost wait event tips

GC Block Lost Wait Event from: http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_rac_tuning_gc_block_lost_wait_event.htm No network is per

原创 inventory.xml中的Oracle_home已存在

重新安裝RAC數據庫時報下列錯誤: Remote 'AttachHome' failed on nodes: 'prod02'. Refer to '/u01/app/oraInventory/logs/installActions20

原创 MySQL學習筆記2-System administration(uninstall mysql)

1、查找以前是否裝有mysql 命令:rpm -qa|grep -i mysql 可以看到mysql的兩個包: [root@localhost init.d]# rpm -qa | grep -i mysql MySQL-server-5

原创 MySQL學習筆記2-System administration(set password)

安裝完畢後,第一次登錄mysql,修改密碼 [root@localhost bin]# service mysql start Starting MySQL.. SUCCESS!  [root@localhost bin]# cat /r

原创 MySQL學習筆記-04_Server_Config

Server Configuration MySQL Configuration Options You can specify startup options on the command line when you invoke th

原创 MD5 For Windows

certutil -hashfile filename MD5   certutil -hashfile p29832062_122010_MSWIN-x86-64.zip SHA1   certutil -hashfile filena

原创 12c datapatch Could not open logfile

Connecting to database...OK Bootstrapping registry and package to current versions...done Determining current state...

原创 Unable to install ORACHK utility on AIX platform --Oracle Tools

    似乎ORACHK在AIX上無法成功安裝? Hi All,   We are facing below issue while installing ORACHK utility on AIX platform.

原创 兩招讓你知道數據庫消耗IO的進程是誰?

兩招讓你知道數據庫消耗IO的進程是誰? 在某客戶現場保障,客戶反映說“服務開通系統”IO佔用率100%,讓幫忙查原因。 登錄到系統,兩招幫客戶找出了消耗IO的進程,具體步驟如下: 1、用glance查看系統資源 可以看到Disk U

原创 ogg簡單維護命令--轉jelephant

1.查看進程狀態GGSCI (PONY) 2> info all2.查看進程詳細狀態,有助於排錯GGSCI (PONY) 2> view report +進程名稱3.查看告警日誌信息GGSCI (PONY) 2> view ggsevt4

原创 Main Note - Oracle GoldenGate - Supplemental Logging

The query below will tell you if Supplemental Logging is turned on at the database level: select SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_

原创 Certification, Software Downloads, and Support Coverage

很多人都在問GoldenGate 10.x.x.x是否可用於Oracle 9i  and so on,通過MOS的certification可以找到答案,關鍵部分摘錄如下,供參考 Certification, Software Downl

原创 How to Set Up Replication--MySQL Concept

Thissection describes how to set up complete replication of a MySQL server. Thereare a number of different methods for

原创 MySQL學習筆記-04_Server_Config(mysqld --verbose --help)

[root@songyb usr]# mysqld --verbose --help 2015-11-11 17:32:14 0 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 5.6.27) starting as process 469

原创 Using Option Files --MySQL Concept

Using Option Files MostMySQL programs can read startup options from option files (also sometimescalled configuration fi