原创 Linux(1) 命令行(command line)的介紹

翻譯自:http://ryanstutorials.net/linuxtutorial/commandline.php 基本介紹 Linux 有很好的圖形界面並且使用起來也很方便。你的體驗會覺得跟在其它操作系統上,例如Windows 和

原创 the diary of how to backup one more files in linux

#!/usr/bin/bash #to backup one more files #asha 2017/4/17 if [ $# \< 1 ] then  echo please give at least one existed fi

原创 the diary for one command application of pipe in Linux

ls -l /projects/ghosttrail | tail -n +2 | sed 's/\s\s*/ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort | uniq -c actually in my first gla

原创 the diary of cron xarg find tar in linux

i think things gonna to be crazy now! cron it is a really crazy stuff,cron stands for command run on,you can use it to

原创 如何把用laravel5.4寫好的網站架構到遠程虛擬機上

在自己的電腦上寫好用Laravel5.4開發的網站 網站寫好前,我還額外用了npm install 裝了node modules文件夾,還用了git,所以有額外的.git文件夾 ,最終的文件夾結構是: 正經開始改變一些路徑和操作爲發佈到

原创 Linux(2)簡單的導航指令(下)絕對路徑和相對路徑

翻譯自:http://ryanstutorials.net/linuxtutorial/navigation.php 絕對路徑和相對路徑 Linux操作系統中存在着兩種路徑:絕對路徑和相對路徑。我們在訪問文件或文件夾的時候,其實都是通

原创 the diary of homework of script check dir in linux

to make a script to check a directory? #!/usr/bin/bash #check the information of a directory #Asha 2017/4/17 if [ ! -d

原创 如何爬蟲推特數據

如何爬蟲推特數據 1、首先你要有翻牆軟件 2、申請推特帳號,以及申請dev.twitter.com的帳號,然後在點擊頭像,選擇“my application”,之後在點擊“make a new application” 3、然後你

原创 the diary of process manage of top ps and kill in linux

what are top , ps , kill command?what do they do? firstly , i wanna say about top. top can help us to find what tasks t

原创 the diary of sleep jobs & fg command line in linux

sleep what does sleep do? sleep command runs the action of literally sleep. all it does is wait some time and quit . it

原创 如何不用laravel的分頁功能而通過vue和axios實現異步分頁功能

如何不用laravel的分頁功能而通過vue和axios實現異步分頁功能 爲什麼認爲有必要寫這篇文章呢?因爲自己在建構網站的時候,多次用到axios的異步獲取數據,而當我用laravel的eloquent與simplePaginate()

原创 the diary about awk scp in linux

talk awk and scp the awk the awk is like cut , but it is more powerful , say you have a text file named "haha" , inside

原创 the diary of script in linux

script do not want to type codes every time, want to be efficient, want to be lazy,then just use script to handle repet

原创 the diary of pipe in linux

learning new stuff always makes you exited. and i have to write down it and increase my memory for it as well. today i