原创 畢設20200507 - 測試將artifact saveandload 到neo4j數據庫報錯

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jetty/server/RequestLog$Writer at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstruc

原创 算法知識整理 1

常用排序算法時間、空間複雜度 Time and Space Complexity of Commonly Used Sorting Algorithm Recursion 遞歸就是指程序調用自身的編程思想,即一個函數調用本身;遞

原创 Spring Boot integrated with Thymeleaf- namespace 'th' is not found

When we create a html file in the templates directory in a spring boot project integrated with Thymeleaf view, we w

原创 5 Happy Number

Write an algorithm to determine if a number n is “happy”. A happy number is a number defined by the following proce

原创 畢設20200512 Spring Boot項目的Neo4j Session Factory配置

文章目錄依賴 依賴 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-data-neo

原创 畢設20200512 Spring Boot項目的AspectJ配置

文章目錄依賴註解第一步:第二步 依賴 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter

原创 Apache Log4j2 API官方使用指南(三) —— Flow Tracing

文章目錄示例代碼配置文件 The Logger class provides logging methods that are quite useful for following the execution path of ap

原创 2 產品經理找first bad Version

You are a product manager and currently leading a team to develop a new product. Unfortunately, the latest version

原创 3 Single Number

Given a non-empty array of integers, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one. Note: your a

原创 Apache Log4j2 API官方使用指南(五) —— Messages

Although Log4j 2 provides Logger methods that accept Strings and Objects, all of these are ultimately captured in M

原创 Apache Log4j2 API官方使用指南(四) —— EventLogger

什麼是EventLogger The EventLogger class provides a simple mechanism for logging events that occur in an application. W

原创 Apache Log4j2 API官方使用指南(六) —— Thread Context

Introduction Log4j introduced the concept of the Mapped Diagnostic Context or MDC. It has been documented and discu

原创 數字好吉利,紀念哈子

之前上班都沒空寫,而且註冊的有點晚了,碼齡是跟着註冊時間來的。🤦‍♂️ 現在有空多寫寫,加油!

原创 Java 8 in action代碼總結 1 - filter

文章目錄調用filter方法過濾目標集合自定義的Predicate接口 和 filter方法JDK8自帶的Predicate(謂詞)接口 調用filter方法過濾目標集合 //調用filter的代碼 //filter方法中Appl

原创 Apache Log4j2 API官方使用指南(二) —— LogBuilder的使用 以及 性能對比

文章目錄LogBuilderLocation Performance LogBuilder Log4j has traditionally been used with logging statements like Log4j通