原创 Sharepoint 2013 master page related error

Error: The page '/_catalogs/masterpage/__DeviceChannelMappings.aspx' allows a limit of 11 direct dependencies, and that

原创 Creating a Custom Timer Job Definition

轉載:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/403323/SharePoint-2010-Create-Custom-Timer-Jobs What is a Timer Job? A Timer J

原创 create rounded corners with CSS

http://www.css3.info/preview/rounded-border/ The CSS3 border-radius property allows web developers to easily utilise

原创 ASP.NET教程:友好的Html和JS適合SEO

假設你需要從一個頁面轉向其他頁面,下面有很多種方式,你是如何選擇的呢?你能清晰的說明理由麼?         <%--鏈接的表現形式--%>         <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat

原创 Why is SPD adding content to my file?

Question: I'm using SPD to edit an HTML file that's in SharePoint (in a subfolder of SiteAssets). Later, I return to th

原创 SharePoint JavaScript – Page Load Add function: _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames

In most cases SharePoint pages are based on a master page that contains th

原创 Access denied when deploying a timer Job or activating a feature

SYMPTOMS You get Access Denied when you try to activate a feature in code from SharePoint 2010 web application. This er

原创 DIV層的五條疊加法則

轉自:http://www.21shipin.com/html/92379.shtml     點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 chenchen615 發佈了8 篇原創文章 · 獲

原创 有關PowerShell腳本你必須知道的十個基本概念


原创 Referencing JS files using CustomAction element

http://www.spdeveloper.co.in/tipsntricks/pages/referencing-js-files-using-custom-action.aspx Javascript plays an import

原创 WebPart的Web部件頁部署時發生錯誤

http://blog.csdn.net/downmoon/article/details/412412  使用dwp方式部署自定義的webPart,web.config中也將它們進行了安全註冊。在門戶中通過dwp方式導入都是正常的

原创 IE 條件解釋的語句

這裏是一個演示條件註釋如何工作的簡單示例。 <!--[if IE 6]> <p>You are using Internet Explorer 6.</p> <![endif]--> <!--[if !IE]><!--> <p>Yo

原创 Why the description of Page Layout is not showing

When custom page layouts as part of a feature, the internal name for "Desc

原创 Error occurred in deployment step 'Retract Solution': Invalid object name 'AllWebs'

Check the error message on Monitoring-->Review Project and solutions, and try running SharePoint 2010 Products Configur

原创 custom errors in webconfig

If you need more detailed information than in the following screen you went to the virtual directory under IIS and cha