原创 學習React(19) - 組件生命週期方法 (Component lifecycle methods)

React給我們提供了建立的方法,我們就可以用這些方法來override 在一些特殊的stages。這些方法不能在函數模塊中使用。將這些方法分爲四種類別。 Mounting: When an instance of a com

原创 學習React(22) - 介紹Pure components

今天,就介紹一下pure components, 博主也不知道怎麼翻譯成中文才正確,就先用英文吧! 這個得創建三個文件: 第一個文件 // PureComponent.js 文件 import React, { PureCompo

原创 Java 習題(2)

題目: 將DataOnly 代碼段改寫成一個程序,然後編譯,運行。 解答: 先提供DataOnly代碼段: class DataOnly { int i; double d; boolean b; } 題

原创 Discrete Distribution

Bernoulli distribution: any event where we only have one trial and two possible outcomes follows such a distributi

原创 Necessary Programming Languages and Software Used in Data Science

Programming language enables you to devise programs that can execute specific operations. Moreover you can reuse t

原创 Machine Learning (ML) Techniques

What situation is it preferable to make predictions using machine learning rather than traditional statistical meth

原创 Statistics -- Inferential Statistics Fundamentals

Inferential Statistics refers to methods that rely on probability theory and distributions in particular to predic

原创 Vim 指令的總結

Movements w next word W next white space delimited word b previous word B previous space delimited word

原创 用github來弄合作項目


原创 Probability -- 01

Additive law: The probability of the union of two sets is equal to the sum of the individual probabilities of each

原创 矩陣相乘的維度

一個矩陣是將數字排成行和列的矩形排列。矩陣中的每一個數字都被稱爲矩陣元素或元素。 A=[123456789] A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 &

原创 介紹identity matrices

定義什麼叫做identity matrices: The n x n identity matrix, denoted InI_nIn​, is a matrix with n rows and n columns. 矩陣裏面的元

原创 GDB 操作手冊

Getting Started If you have never run GDB before, you can start it up with the following command: \gdb < program >

原创 用Python 來做Cluster Analysis

""" 1. Cluster analysis is a multivariate statistical technique that groups observations on the basis some of thei

原创 The Basic probability Formula

Probability is the chance of something happening. A more academic definition for this would be likelihood of an ev