原创 webMethods JDBC Connection

1. Get the connection: 用pub下面的service,不要用wm下面的。        輸入JDBCAdapter        得到一組array的結果    2. WmART/pub.art.service:se

原创 Data from DB into webMethods

1) if it's blank space in DB (after trim service), it will be equal to '';        2) if convert empty to null, it will

原创 Theano Runtime Error - must set MKL_THREADING_LAYER=GNU in environement


原创 logAppMessage vs logMessage

logAppMessage和logAppMessageLargeDocument是一樣的功能,只是一個精簡版而已。而logMessage會在Logs => Server下面保存記錄。

原创 webMethods JDBC Blob output filed

If it's a BLOB as output JDBC type, the output field type should be byte Array to make it serializable.  All objects w

原创 webMethods裏logAppMessage的問題

如果想要在framework裏面log具體的transaction記錄的話,只能把logAppMessage放在loop外面,不然會有空白的log entry。         比如這個簡單的測試, REPEAT一次:         

原创 Trim Leading Zeros

有兩種方法1. 這個可以解決數字的開頭0,用#代表數字2. 可以用string => replace;用regular expression;這個適用於數字和字母的混合    "you can use pub.string:replace

原创 webMethods Scheduled Task vs Direct Run Service

1. 在子service裏面加入log的部分,如果直接run service,不會產生empty logs。                2. 但如果同樣的code,在scheduled task裏面運行,就會有empty logs  

原创 Access to Event Logs

I need to delete some of the event logs. There are two ways to do it.LVM3PLD03 => Event viewer => Application logs => i

原创 Retrieve FTP File Using Regular Expression in webMethods

在webMethods裏面的FTP,有個功能是ftp:ls,可以輸入file pattern,但是在這步還不能用Regex。可以LOOP拿個dirlist,然後再BRANCH,再用Regex測試file name是否符合什麼pattern

原创 Software Development Practice

After I finish my development in SAG DEV, I will need to push to QA. And then let the tester to do all the testings in

原创 Steps to Install Keras through Anaconda

First install conda => keras => BLAS => m2w64-toolchain => h5pyCommands:conda install -c conda-forge ke


一般情況下,這兩個語句是不能同時使用的,但是可以通過group by的語句來規避SQL報錯。select OLORD from OpenQuery(APPDEV, 'select * from ATDATA.I3ORDLP1') wher

原创 Development Steps

1. Dev for 1 facility;2. Push to QA with 2 other facilities; And then let the tester play with it.3. Push to PROD with

原创 Software AG裏重新導入document type

在IDE裏面的document type已經很久沒有更新過了,和target XSD相比,少了幾個field。需要重新import。這個是舊的document type        在最新的XSD裏面,把這三行去掉        然後再