原创 Pro OGRE 3D Programming學習系列(1)設計總攬 (續)

不好意思,第二個鏈接竟然是第一部分的續,果然讓人受打擊,原來第一部分的內容還沒完。不過,下面要介紹的內容離我們實際應用開發是越來越近了~   1.場景管理器(SceneManager)   還記得之前說過的場景圖和場景內容分離的topic

原创 XNA系列(3)

XNA Game Studio 3.0 How To: Draw a Sprite Demonstrates how to draw a sprite by using the SpriteBatch class. The Comp

原创 一些C# Best Practices

不論我們學習了多少.net理論,最終還是要體現在代碼中,下面總結一些C#方面的Best Practices。對於一些常見的代碼規定,例如,命名規則,這裏就不重複了。   不好的代碼: 1.重複 2.複雜,難以理解 3.效率低下 4.有bu

原创 Pro OGRE 3D Programming學習系列(1)設計總攬

 因爲書中前兩章內容主要是討論Ogre的歷史和安裝方法,感興趣可以查閱,就不在本學習系列中討論了。   1.如何開始  Ogre是個非常龐雜的系統,所以一開始就去學習他的API手冊,應該不是一個很好的選擇,就如同我們學習.net,不會一上

原创 XNA系列(4)

XNA Game Studio 3.0 How To: Draw Text Demonstrates how to import a SpriteFont into a project and draw text using Dr

原创 Math Overview

Math Overview The XNA Framework Math Libraries can be found in the Microsoft.Xna.Framework namespace, alongside a n

原创 2D Graphics Overview

2D Graphics Overview Sprites are 2D bitmaps drawn directly on the screen, as opposed to being drawn in 3D space. Spr

原创 More Effective C# Item 7. Do Not Create Generic Specialization on Base Classes or Interfaces

  Item 7. Do Not Create Generic Specialization on Base Classes or Interfaces Introducing generic methods can make it hi

原创 Model Processing with the XNA Framework Content Pipeline

Model Processing with the XNA Framework Content Pipeline Describes the model conversion process implemented by XNA F

原创 如何使用消息隊列


原创 XNA高級編程讀書筆記系列(2)

  Let’s Write Pong You got the concept all figured out and have all the files you need to get started. It’s t

原创 XNA: Overview of the Content Pipeline

Overview of the Content Pipeline Describes how the XNA Game Studio Content Pipeline lets you build art assets into yo

原创 Collision Detection Overview

Collision Detection Overview Overview of the collision-detection–related functionality provided by the XNA Framework

原创 To be a good programmer

http://www.trickjarrett.com/programmer/index.php/Main_Page   This is dedicated to updating the excellent resource by Ro

原创 So you want to be a Game Developer?

So you want to be a Game Developer? Starting to Program games In the good old days, back when the Internet had about