原创 大數據平臺分佈式搭建 - Flume部署

Section I:文件清單 1.apache-flume-1.8.0-bin.tar.gz Section II: 下載鏈接 [Flume 下載鏈接]:http://flume.apache.org/releases/index

原创 機器學習-支持向量機(Support Vector Machine)

Section I: Brief Introduction on SVM Another powerful and widely used learning algorithm is the Support Vector Mach

原创 機器學習-感知機(Perceptron)-Scikit-Learn

Section I: Load package #Section 1: Load package from sklearn import datasets import numpy as np import matplotlib.

原创 大數據平臺分佈式搭建 - Kafka之監測Kafka-Eagle部署

Section I: 文件清單 kafka-eagle-bin-1.4.0.tar.gz Section II: 下載鏈接 [Kafka-Eagle 下載鏈接]:https://www.kafka-eagle.org/ Sec

原创 機器學習-感知機Perceptron

Section I: Brief Introduction on Perceptron The whole idea behind the MCP neuron and Rosenblatt’s thresholded perce

原创 機器學習-學習曲線(過擬合與欠擬合的判斷)

Section I: Brief Introduction on LearningCurves If a model is too complex for a given training dataset-there are to

原创 機器學習-KFold交叉驗證

Section I: Brief Introduction on StratifiedKFold A slight improvement over the standard k-fold cross-validation app

原创 大數據平臺分佈式搭建 - Kafka分佈式部署

Section I: 文件清單 kafka_2.12- Section II: 下載鏈接 [kafka 下載鏈接]: https://kafka.apache.org/downloads Section

原创 機器學習-三種迴歸方法(Ridge、LASSO和ElasticNet迴歸)

Section I: Brief Introduction on Three Regression Models Regulation is one approach to tackle the problem of overfi

原创 機器學習-KMeans聚類(肘係數Elbow和輪廓係數Silhouette)

Section I: Brief Introduction on KMeans Cluster The K-Means algorithm belongs to the category of prototype-based cl

原创 機器學習-類別不平衡-上下采樣(Upsampling and Downsampling)

Section I: Brief Introduction on Upsampling/Downsampling Class imbalance is a quite common problem when working wit

原创 機器學習-決策樹迴歸(Decision Tree Regression)

Section I: Brief Introduction on Decision Tree Regression An advantage of the decision tree algorithm is that it do

原创 Supplemental Material

Parallel GPF Solution: A GPU-CPU-Based Vectorization Parallelization and Sparse Technique for NR Implementation The

原创 機器學習-DBSCAN算法

Section I: Brief Introduction on DBSCAN Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN), which

原创 機器學習-層級聚類算法(Hierarchy Cluster)

Section I: Brief Introduction on Hierarchy Cluster The two standard algorithms for agglomerative hierarchical clust