原创 一次失敗的PHP擴展開發之旅

一次失敗的PHP擴展開發之旅 By warezhou 2014.11.19 緣起 經過不斷的持續迭代,我們部門的協程版網絡框架(CoSvrFrame)終於出爐了!這本來是件喜大普奔的事情,但是隨着新業務的不斷接入,很多固有缺陷也逐漸浮

原创 How I explained OOD to my wife

Introduction My wife Farhana wants to resume her career as a software developer (she started her career as a softwa

原创 SOCKS5代理原理探索

要了解SOCKS5協議的全部內容,請移步 RFC 1928 - SOCKS Protocol Version 5 ,內容很短,一共才 8 頁,建議大家瀏覽一遍。 備註:相比 SOCKS5 , SOCKS4 不支持 UDP、認證、域名解析

原创 Five things that make Go fast

Anthony Starks has remixed my original Google Present based slides using his fantastic Deck presentation tool. You ca

原创 Git使用教程

一:Git是什麼?        Git是目前世界上最先進的分佈式版本控制系統。 二:SVN與Git的最主要的區別?       SVN是集中式版本控制系統,版本庫是集中放在中央服務器的,而幹活的時候,用的都是自己的電腦,所以首

原创 Design Principle: Favor Composition Over Inheritance

Here at HauteLook, we’re almost constantly interviewing engineers. Not because we have high turnover, but because we’

原创 What exactly is "iowait"?

What exactly is "iowait"? To summarize it in one sentence, 'iowait' is the percentage of time the CPU is idle AND the

原创 HTTP代理原理探索

Web 上的代理服務器是代表客戶端完成事務處理的中間人。如果沒有 Web 代理, HTTP 客戶端就要直接與 HTTP 服務器進行對話。有了 Web 代理,客戶端就可以與代理進行對話,然後由代理代表客戶端與服務器進行交流。客戶端仍然會完成

原创 Logging Solutions Overview

Context udp2log Currently the Wikimedia Foundation uses a custom logging daemon udp2log to transport logs from se

原创 Exploring System Internals with lsof and strace

This article describes various approaches to looking at the processes in you UNIX environment. Unlike other operating

原创 How I explained Design Patterns to my wife: Part 1

Introduction Me and my wife had some interesting conversations on Object Oriented Design principles. After publish

原创 The Twitter stack

The Twitter stack For various reasons, including performance and cost, Twitter has poured significant engineering

原创 如何理解“可靠性”和“可用性”?

前言 相信點開這篇文章的讀者,一定或多或少接觸過“高可靠”“高可用”這些字眼,但是往往或語焉不詳,或羅列術語(MTBF、MTTR ...),那麼我們到底應該如何定量描述系統的可靠性和可用性指標呢,這些看着很上流的術語到底意味着什麼呢?也許

原创 Actor-based Concurrency

The concurrency models we have considered so far have the notion of shared state in common. Shared state can be acces

原创 基於boost實現的共享內存版HashMap

#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp> #include