原创 E文積累_20080312_be at odds

I don't want to be at odds with my neighbors. 我不想與鄰居們有什麼爭執。 --------------

原创 E文積累_20080328_out of breath

The 5-mile run left us all out of breath. 五公里長跑讓我們上氣不接下氣。 ----------------

原创 到底什麼是瀏覽器幫助程序對象 (BHO)

到底什麼是瀏覽器幫助程序對象 (BHO)?簡言之,BHO 是將自定義功能添加到 Internet Explorer 的輕型 DLL 擴展。BHO 還可

原创 E文積累_20080331_be inferior to

I would not wish to be inferior to others. 我不希望自己比別人差。 -------------------

原创 E文積累_20080315_bring off

It was a difficult task, but we brought it off. 任務艱鉅,但我們圓滿完成了 ------------

原创 E文積累_20080310_not know beans about sth.

 He doesn't know beans about insurance business at all. 他對保險業務一竅不通。 ------

原创 E文積累_20080317_break up

His glasses fell down on the floor and broke up. 他的眼鏡掉在地上摔碎了。 ------------

原创 如何在Oracle中查詢排序後的第一條記錄

其實就是分頁查詢的另一種應用:select * from (select tb.*, rownum from table_name tb where

原创 E文積累_20080322_minutes

Who is going to take the minutes?  誰來做會議記錄? -------------------------------

原创 E文積累_20080325_hit the sack

I'm going to hit the sack, I'm exhausted. 我精疲力盡,準備去睡覺了。 ------------------

原创 E文積累_20080330_easy grade

I just want some easy grades. 我只想混學分。I'm a dyed in the wool Robbert fan.

原创 E文積累_20080309_it's all there for a reason

It's all there for a reason. 自有其存在的道理。===================

原创 E文積累_20080327_old exam

Do you know where to get the old exam?  你知不知道哪裏有以前考試的真題? -----------------

原创 E文積累_20080313_the power is running low

The power is running low. 快要沒電了,電快用完了。 -----------------------------------

原创 E文積累_20080326_sitting pretty

I'm sitting pretty in a pretty little city.   我在一個漂亮的小城市裏過得很好。這是一句英文歌曲的歌詞。s