原创 Fortify分析翻譯5

 13. Poor error handling:Overly broad catch(Structural):13.1.AcceptApplicat

原创 Beanshell翻譯11

1.Undefined Variables 沒有定義的變量You can test to see if a variable is defined using the special value void. For example: 你可

原创 Beanshell翻譯12

 1.Files and Directories 文件和目錄 The following commands work with files, dire

原创 Fortify分析翻譯1

 一。分析方法概述: 1.       以下爲Fortify工具歸納的幾種項目代碼漏洞類型: 1.1. Analyzers: Data Flow數據流分析 原文:Follows the propagatio

原创 Fortify分析翻譯6

 16. Code correctness:Erroneous String compare(Structural): 16.1.源文件:BizApplicationApprovalBackingBean.

原创 Fortify分析翻譯4

10.System Information Leak(Data Flow): 10.1.BizApplicationApprovalBackingBean.java.      logger.error("BizApplicationAp

原创 Fortify分析翻譯8

  22.Process Control(Data Flow): 22.1.源文件:AgentServlet.java. 代碼:obj = this.getClass().getClassLoader()

原创 Fortify分析翻譯10

 25.Denial of service(Data Flow): 25.1.源文件:Metronome.java 代碼:sleep(thisTime); 25.2.原文:An attacker could

原创 Fortify分析翻譯3

 7. Poor style:Confusing naming(Structural):7.1.BPCodeConstants.java    private static  final String RA

原创 Fortify分析翻譯7

 19.Missing XML validation(Control Flow): 19.1.源文件:QueryPrivilegeConfig.java. 代碼:db = dbf.newDocumentBu

原创 Beanshell翻譯7

 1.The 'this' reference 'this'引用 As in most languages, an executing method in BeanShell has its own "lo

原创 Fortify分析翻譯9

 24.Http response splitting(Data Flow):24.1.源文件:WorkPageDispatcher.java.代碼:rep.sendRedirect(url);24.2.原

原创 Beanshell翻譯1

 1.bsh.Interpreter: 說明:The BeanShell scrīpt interpreter. An instance of Interpreter can be used to sour

原创 Beanshell翻譯8

 1.scrīpting Interfaces 腳本接口 One of the most powerful features of BeanShell is the ability to scrīpt Ja

原创 Beanshell翻譯2

 Introduction 介紹 This document is about BeanShell. BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable Java source i