原创 python寫算法題:leetcode: 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

class Solution(object): def maxDepth(self, root): """ :type root: TreeNode :rtype: int

原创 python寫算法題:leetcode: 107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II

class Solution(object): def step(self, root, ret, level): if root==None: return if level>=len(ret

原创 python寫算法題:leetcode: 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree

class Solution(object): def deep(self, node, level): if node==None: return level if node.left==No

原创 python寫算法題:leetcode: 101. Symmetric Tree

class Solution(object): def cmp(self, nodea, nodeb): if nodea==None and nodeb==None: return True

原创 python寫算法題:leetcode: 113. Path Sum II

class Solution(object): def pathSum(self, root, sum): """ :type root: TreeNode :type sum:

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原创 DFS 求解金字塔10*10等腰直角三角形擺放

# -*- coding:utf8 -*- shape={ 0:[(0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2)], 1:[(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2)], 2:[

原创 原 python寫算法題:leetcode: 115. Distinct Subsequences

class Solution(object): def numDistinct(self, s, t): """ :type s: str :type t: str

原创 python寫算法題:leetcode: 114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

class Solution(object): def step(self, node, prenode): if node==None: return

原创 python寫算法題:leetcode: 109. Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree

class Solution(object): def sortedArrayToBST(self, nums): """ :type nums: List[int] :rtyp

原创 python寫算法題:leetcode: 112. Path Sum

class Solution(object): def hasPathSum(self, root, sum): """ :type root: TreeNode :type s