原创 Volume Rendering using CUDA – Trilinear Interp. and Image Color-Map

The latest update of my GPU-based Volume Rendering Engine: 1. Trilinear Interpolation (smoother images) 2. Ray-tracin

原创 One critical issue in Instant Radiosity

I just realized: for each individual pass of Instant Radiosity, only one bounce of diffuse illumination can be evaluate

原创 Volume Rendering using CUDA – Transfer Function & Anti-Aliasing

Here are some pictures of my GPU-based volume rendering engine: Included functions: 1. Anti-Aliasing (not applied in t

原创 Final version of my GPU Volume Renderer

Here they are: Professor G sent them to the provost of P U, said it is just like a fully lit Xma tree! The above is

原创 My renderer update – Instant Radiosity moved on GPU

With ray-tracing as the framework, Instant Radiosity is mainly about point lights record and replacing. In my applicati

原创 Learning FP-Growth Algorithm in Python

Again, it is a study note of 'Machine Learning in Action'. Here is a refined variation to Apriori principle - FP-Growth

原创 Belated enlightenment on Quaternion

The first time when I read chapter 4 "Transforms" of Real Time Rendering, the Quaternion part confused me a lot. You ma

原创 Project Euler 46 solution optimized using C++ meta-programming

Continued with last post.. now I'm using C++ meta-programming to solve this problem - all computation moved to compile

原创 Calling Haskell from C - (DLL solution)

My main reference is : http://mostlycode.wordpress.com/2010/01/03/shared-haskell-so-library-with-ghc-6-10-4-and-cabal/

原创 Boost Preprocessor is so cool

#include "boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp" #include "boost/preprocessor/seq/elem.hpp" #include "boost/preprocessor/seq/

原创 C++ Grandmaster Certification ?

I encountered a very interesting C++ certification course\program free online: http://www.cppgm.org/about.html It is ca

原创 A Turing-complete language: Brainf*ck

Remember the mathematical representation of Turing machine? Here comes a programming language that looks just like a 'r

原创 lcov solution on linux

0. Make sure you have built\installed gcov\lcov\genhtml on your linux machine 1. Put -g -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-cover

原创 《數學之美》Reading Notes

http://book.douban.com/subject/10750155/ I saw this book in bookstore first, instead of Amazon\China-Pub that is the us

原创 Project Euler 46 solution optimized using SSE2

http://www.mathblog.dk/project-euler-46-odd-number-prime-square/ Not a hard one to code, but it can be optimized using