原创 Front and rear separation of security issues

登錄驗證以及安全問題: 1、請求接口全部用post方式,在後端判斷請求方式是否爲post 2、前後端代碼放在同一服務器,在後端判斷請求的來源是否與服務器同源: $source_url = parse_url($_SERVER['H

原创 javascript for mvvm

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>mvvm</title> <input id="name" ty

原创 react native,實現android 應用編寫

 環境搭建  1 參照官網那個,將 android sdk, java sdk,官方腳手架等基礎環境安裝完成  2 下載夜神(其他也可) 模擬器  3 配置 java, an droid 環境變量(window下), 如果需要使用,key

原创 js object.create()、Object.defineproperty()、,Object.keys()...for..in,for..each

Speak of that how to create object in javascript , maybe you know: Object.keys() : return array of object attribute th

原创 Php Overrview

Php is more simple script language for developing server. The base refer: http://www.runoob.com/php/php-datatypes.html

原创 Activity has leaked window that was originally added

this error will not crash application . the way to solve issue : I meet this issue when activity destroy but dialog

原创 Video http dash mp4 box slice

There is three points introduce: dash overriew server slice video by mp4 box and ffmpeg how to use dash at native or

原创 css link @import

if you use in html : <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> <s